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Thread: Unexpected type

  1. #1
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    Default Unexpected type

    This is a snapshot of my code:
       public class sysinfoHooshi implements ActionListener{
        		class Info{			
    			public String name;
    			public String version;
    			public String arch;
    			public double ramUtil;
    			public double CPUUtil;
        JTextField  tf = new JTextField("");
        JTextField  tf2 = new JTextField("");
        JDialog dialog = new  JDialog();	
        /****************Query dialog variables*******************/
        JDialog quesryDialog = new  JDialog();	
        JCheckBox chkCPUUtil = new JCheckBox("CPU utilization");
        JCheckBox chkRAMUtil = new JCheckBox("RAM utilization");
        JCheckBox chkVersion = new JCheckBox("Version of the OS");
        JCheckBox chkArch = new JCheckBox("Processor architecture");
        JCheckBox chkName = new JCheckBox("Operating system name");
        boolean nameChecked, versionChecked, archChecked, CPUChecked, RAMChecked;
    	public  void simulate()throws Exception{
    		int simTime = Integer.parseInt( tf.getText() );;
    		int interval = Integer.parseInt( tf2.getText() );
    		int queueSize = 60*simTime/interval;
    		System.out.println( queueSize );
    		Info[] queue = new Info[queueSize];
    		int pos = 0;
    		for(int i=0;i<queueSize;++i)
    		  queue[i]  = new Info();
    		for(int i=0;i<queueSize;++i)
    			OperatingSystemMXBean osBean = (com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean)
    			queue[pos].name = System.getProperty("os.name");
    			queue[pos].version = System.getProperty("os.version");
    			queue[pos].arch = System.getProperty("os.arch");
    		//	queue[pos].ramUtil =100-( osBean.getFreePhysicalMemorySize()/osBean.getTotalPhysicalMemorySize() ) * 100;		
    		//		queue[pos].CPUUtil = ( osBean.getSystemCpuLoad() ) * 100;
    		}//end for  
    		chkName.addItemListener = (new ItemListener() {
    			public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent e)
    			{ e.getStateChenge()==1 ? nameChecked=true :nameChecked = false;}
    		chkVersion.addItemListener = (new ItemListener() {
    			public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent e)
    			{ e.getStateChenge()==1 ? versionChecked=true :versionChecked = false;}
    		chkArch.addItemListener = (new ItemListener() {
    			public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent e)
    			{ e.getStateChenge()==1 ? archChecked=true :archChecked = false;}
    		chkCPUUtil.addItemListener = (new ItemListener() {
    			public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent e)
    			{ e.getStateChenge()==1 ? CPUChecked=true :CPUChecked = false;}
    		chkRAMUtil.addItemListener = (new ItemListener() {
    			public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent e)
    			{ e.getStateChenge()==1 ? RAMChecked=true :RAMChecked = false;}
    	}//end simulate()
    	public void showDialog()
    	 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    	public void showQueryDialog()
    	public void showResults(Info queue)
    		String results = "";
    		  results += queue[i].name;
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{	
    	} // end main
       }// end class

    What are the unexpected type errors?

    EDIT: The compiller specifically hints at e.getStateChanged() == 1, but it is used in the example on http://www.tutorialspoint.com/swing/swing_jcheckbox.htm without any problems(I compiled that successfelly)
    Last edited by hooshdar3; July 17th, 2014 at 08:12 AM.

  2. #2
    Crazy Cat Lady KevinWorkman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unexpected type

    You tell us. What lines are the errors on? What types are you working with on those lines? What types is it expecting?
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Unexpected type

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinWorkman View Post
    You tell us. What lines are the errors on? What types are you working with on those lines? What types is it expecting?
    I have told you:lines with getStateChange() == 1.
    Unfortunately I cannot name number.This forum doesn't show line numbers.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unexpected type

    The posted code:
    is different from the error message:
    hints at e.getStateChanged() == 1
    Can you copy the fulll and EXACT text of the error message and post it. What was posted does not make sense. The code and the error message do not agree.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. #5
    Crazy Cat Lady KevinWorkman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unexpected type

    Quote Originally Posted by hooshdar3 View Post
    The compiller specifically hints at e.getStateChanged() == 1
    The compiler doesn't "hint" at anything. It gives you very specific errors.

    You have multiple syntax errors in this code. You're using the ternary operator incorrectly, and you have a random if statement without a body. I honestly recommend starting over from scratch and *compiling often*. You shouldn't wait until you have a whole program written to compile it. You should compile it every time you add something new.
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Unexpected type

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinWorkman View Post
    The compiler doesn't "hint" at anything. It gives you very specific errors.

    You have multiple syntax errors in this code. You're using the ternary operator incorrectly, and you have a random if statement without a body. I honestly recommend starting over from scratch and *compiling often*. You shouldn't wait until you have a whole program written to compile it. You should compile it every time you add something new.
    Hey, those "if"'s are commented out

  7. #7
    Crazy Cat Lady KevinWorkman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unexpected type

    Quote Originally Posted by hooshdar3 View Post
    Hey, those "if"'s are commented out
    Okay, fair enough. You're still using the ternary operators incorrectly. The ternary operator must evaluate to a value, not an expression. So you can't do this:

    x > 0 ? y = 1 : y = 2;

    You can't do that because y=1 and y=2 are expressions, not values. Instead, you'd have to do something like this:

    y = x > 0 ? 1 : 2;

    Now the ternary operator evaluates to a value (1 or 2), which is then assigned to y.

    If you want to use expressions, then you need to use an if statement, not a ternary operator.
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  9. #8
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    Default Re: Unexpected type

    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    The posted code:

    is different from the error message:

    Can you copy the fulll and EXACT text of the error message and post it. What was posted does not make sense. The code and the error message do not agree.
    sysinfoHooshi.java:72: unexpected type
    required: variable
    found : value
    { e.getStateChange()==1 ? nameChecked=true :nameChecked = false;}
    same errors at other such lines. Please don't pay attention to line numbers

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