Package "mtv" contains a single class, "india". (BTW, please use Initial capitals for classnames.)
In package "web" you declare a single class "chair", and import "mtv". But you never use a _class_ definition from mtv. Rather, you instantiate an object of the type you haven't finished defining yet, and then invoke file(), which does not exist (in class "chair").
There are a number of problems here, and you need to solve them to even get to the point where the import of mtv makes sense.
- You need to consider the access modifiers for india class so other classes can see it.
- You need to fix your main() method so it actually uses the india class to get access to file() [if this is your intention; this is unclear]
Taking the time to learn and leverage an IDE like Eclipse or NetBeans will show you all the places your current code is syntactically and structurally incorrect.