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Thread: Randomizing images

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Randomizing images


    I have a super class and an inherited class. What it is supposed to do is display random images in one applet. The images dont match the words and images dont match the wording. What am I doing wrong? Probably a few errors. Thanks.

    Super Class:

    import java.awt.Color;;
    public class Dukes {
        private Color noseColor = Color.red; // default Dukes have red noses
        private String action = "../../images/duke/dukeWave.gif"; //default Dukes are friendly
        private String whatDoing = "Give me something to do"; 
        private String message= "";
        public Dukes() 
            int rint = (int)(Math.random() * 3);  // randomly generates a 0, 1, or 2
            if (rint == 0) 
                noseColor = Color.blue;   // more often red by default
                action = "../../images/duke/dukeWave2.gif";
                message = "What's up with the blue nose!";
         public String getAction()
             return whatDoing;
         public String getActionImage()
             return action;
         public Color getNoseColor()
             return noseColor;
         public String getMessage()
             return message;
         public String write()
             whatDoing = "I am a writing Duke";   
             if (noseColor == Color.red)
             action = "../../images/duke/penduke.gif";
             message = "";
             action = "../../images/duke/writing.gif";
             message = "My nose feels funny";
             return action;
          public String think()
             whatDoing = "I am a thinking Duke";
             if (noseColor == Color.red)
             action = "../../images/duke/thinking.gif";
             message = "";
             action = "../../images/duke/thinking2.gif";
             message = "My nose feels funny";
             return action;
          public String wave()
             whatDoing = "I am a waving Duke";
             if (noseColor == Color.red)
             action = "../../images/duke/dukeWave.gif";
             message = "";
             action = "../../images/duke/dukeWave2.gif";
             message = "My nose feels funny";
             return action;

    Inherited class:

    import java.applet.Applet;  
    import java.awt.*;  
    public class ThreeDukesApplet extends Applet {  
        Dukes myDuke, yourDuke, theirDuke;     
        String Action, yourAction, theirAction;  
        public void init() {  
            myDuke = new Dukes();              
            Action = myDuke.getActionImage();  
            yourDuke =new Dukes();            
            yourAction =yourDuke.write();  
            theirDuke =new Dukes();  
            theirAction =theirDuke.getActionImage();  
       public void paint(Graphics g) {  
            switch ((int)(Math.random() * 3))  
            case 0: Action= yourDuke.write(); break;  
            case 1: Action= theirDuke.think(); break;  
            case 2: Action= myDuke.wave(); break;  
            Image myChoice = getImage(getDocumentBase(), Action);   
            g.drawString(myDuke.getAction(), 10,165);   
            g.drawString(myDuke.getMessage(), 10,180);  
            g.drawImage(myChoice, 20, 50, Color.white, this);  
            g.drawString(yourDuke.getAction(), 200,165);   
            g.drawString(yourDuke.getMessage(), 200,180);  
            Image yourChoice = null;
    		g.drawImage(yourChoice, 200, 50, Color.white, this);  
            Image theirChoice = getImage(getDocumentBase(), theirAction);  
            g.drawString(theirDuke.getAction(), 400, 165);  
            g.drawString(theirDuke.getMessage(),400, 180);  
            g.drawImage(theirChoice, 400, 50, Color.white, this);  

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Randomizing images

    The images dont match the words and images dont match the wording.
    Can you give some examples of the mismatches? Do the mismatches change as the code executes?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Randomizing images

    Ok, I will get wording like waving duke but the picture above it will be a writing duke. Sometimes the writing is there but no picture. This is a class exercise from O'Rielly. Sometimes all i get is the writing.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Randomizing images

    How are you debugging it? I use println() statement to print out the values of variables as they are changed and used. If you know how the code is supposed to work, printing out what it is doing should show you what the problems are. Add lots of printlns and make sure they print a unique id String so you can tell which println printed it.
    For example:
    System.out.println("an ID "+ java.util.Arrays.toString(theArrayName));
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Randomizing images

    Can u give an example using my code?

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Randomizing images

    First you need to make a list of all the tests that are displayed
    and a list of all the images.

    Then define the rules controlling when each are shown:
    How are the texts supposed to be associated with the images? Are they supposed to always be paired the same?
    Can one image have more than one text?
    Can one text be shown with more than one image?

    Now look at the code and make sure it follows the rules you've just defined.

    an example using my code?
    System.out.println("blue action="+action + ", message="+message);
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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