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Thread: Interface problem please help!!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2010
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    Default Interface problem please help!!


    I have 2 files: Interface 'Car' and Class 'MyCar'

    I have never worked with interfaces before but I am getting the error:
    MyCar.java:6: MyCar is not abstract and does not override abstract method compareTo(Car) in java.lang.Comparable

    Please help!!
     * Class to represent cars
     * @author 
     * @version ONE 05/04/2010
    public class MyCar implements Car
       public String getModel()
    	 return model;
    	public String getRegNo()
    	return regNo;
    	public int getYear()
    	return year;
       public int getPrice()
    	return price;
       public void setPrice(int priceNew)
       public int getCompCount()
    	return 1;
       public boolean match(String model, int year, int price)
    	if(thisModel == model && thisYear == year && thisPrice == price)
    			return true;
       public String toString()
    	String carString = ("Price: " + price + 
    								" Year : " + year + " Reg Number : " + 
    								regNo + " Registration : " + model); 
    	return carString;

     * Interface for a class to represent cars.
     * @
     * @version 1.4 - 15/1/10
    public interface Car extends Comparable<Car>
         * Get the car's model description
         * @return  the model
        public String getModel();
         * Get the car's registration number
         * @return  the regNo
        public String getRegNo();
         * Get the car's year of registration
         * @return  the year
        public int getYear();
         * Get the car's price
         * @return  the price
        public int getPrice();
         * Set the car's price
         * @param price  the price
        public void setPrice(int price);
         * Get & reset the comparison counter value
         * @return  the count (before resetting to zero)
        public int getCompCount();
         * Check for "near match" (see assignment brief for details)
         * @param model  ignore if null/empty, else match as substring
         * @param year   ignore if <= 0, else match to within 1 yr
         * @param price  ignore if <= 0, else match to within 10%
         * @return  true if "near match" as above, else false
        public boolean match(String model, int year, int price);
         * Create a string with price, year, regNo & model description
         * concatenated in that order, separated by single tabs
         * @return  a printable string as above 
        public String toString();
    Last edited by Json; April 6th, 2010 at 11:06 AM.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Json's Avatar
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    Default Re: Interface problem please help!!

    Its basically saying that you need to implement the comparTo method since your interface Car is actually extending another interface called Comparable.

    For instance this method could look like this.

        public int compareTo(Car otherCar) {
            // Do some magic in here to compare the cars, maybe return 0 only if the model or the reg number are equal.
            return 0;

    // Json

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