//---------------- class variables ------------------------------
//---- recursive generation parameters
public static double sizeRatio = 0.5; // integer represent %
public static double offset = 0.5; // offset/100 = parametric value
// child positioning offset
public static double p2projection = 0.5;
// parametric value of projection of
// vertex p2 onto the base; can be < 0
public static boolean outside = true;
public static boolean fillTriangles = true;
public static int maxDepth = 6;
public static int minHeight = 7; // min height of p2 for further
// subdivision.
private static Color[] colors = { Color.RED, Color.BLUE, Color.CYAN,
Color.GREEN, Color.MAGENTA, Color.YELLOW, Color.BLACK };
//---------------- instance variables ------------------------------
public static ATriangle _tri;
private static ATriangle[] children;
private int _depth;
private FractalTriangle _parent = null;
private static FractalTriangle[] childTri;
//---- triangle shape parameters
private double _p2height;
//------------------------ constructors ----------------------------
* initial constructor. Needs an ATriangle object. It also gets
* passed the height of this triangle and the projection position of the
* 3rd point onto the opposite line. These could be computed from the
* ATriangle object, but it's pretty complicated to do and in the context
* of this assignment, the caller got those parameters from the user,
* so it's easiest to just pass them along.
public FractalTriangle( int depth, ATriangle tri, int height )
// set up values of instance variables
_depth = 1;
_depth = depth;
_p2height = height;
_parent = null;
children = new ATriangle[3];
childTri = new FractalTriangle[3];
// Set the triangle's color to a value that depends
// on its depth.
// Generate the children triangles for this root.
// Make sure your code for this is as clean and
// modular as possible.
_parent = this;
_tri = tri;
if ( _depth < maxDepth || _p2height >= minHeight )
childTri[ 0 ] = new FractalTriangle( tri, this, depth );
childTri[ 1 ] = new FractalTriangle( tri, this, depth );
childTri[ 2 ] = new FractalTriangle( tri, this, depth );
* recursive constructor; it's private, so can only be called from methods
* of this class. It will get called by the public FractalTriangle.
private FractalTriangle ( ATriangle tri, FractalTriangle parent, int depth )
// get parent's height from parent parameter to compute this height
// save other parameters in instance variables
// recursively create children -- only if recursion depth limit hasn't
// been reached and the minimum height test passes
System.err.println( "depth before if: " + depth );
_tri = tri;
_depth = depth;
_parent = this;
_p2height = _tri.getHeight( );
if ( _depth < maxDepth || _p2height >= minHeight)
System.err.println( "depth after if: " + depth );
//_parent = this;
Point[] pts = tri.getPoints();
children[0] = makeTriangle( pts[0], pts[1] );
children[1] = makeTriangle( pts[1], pts[2] );
children[2] = makeTriangle( pts[2], pts[0] );
System.err.println( "child1: " + children[0] );
for( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
childTri[ i ] = new FractalTriangle( children[ i ], _parent, depth );
//--------------------- display( Graphics2D ) -----------------------
* method called by Java's repaint mechanism.
public void display ( Graphics2D context )
// 1. Need to determine whether to draw the ATriangle's
// display method (which fills it) or its "draw" method
// which only does the outline.
_tri.draw( context ); //draws outline on base triangle
if( fillTriangles == true )
_tri.display( context ); // fills base triangle
for( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
if( children == null )
System.err.println( "Children is null" );
children[i].display( context ); // fills children
for( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
if( children == null )
System.err.println( "Children is null" );
children[i].draw( context ); //draws outline of children
// 2. Need to recursively invoke the display methods of
// all children (if they exist)