I'm incredibly new to Java, currently taking an Into level college course. However, I'm completely lost. The program I need to write is supposed to have one default constructor as well as getters and setters. The two variables I'm to be concerned with are hoursWorked and payRate.There should be a setter for each variable and a getter for each variable that returns the variables contents. There should also be a getter which returns the gross pay by calculating hoursWorked by payRate. If the hoursWorked is more than 40, the extra time is multiplied by 1.5.
Following this, I need to create a new file that needs to create a new object of the Payroll class. The program should then accept user input for both the number of hours worked and the pay rate and store that data using the setters (methods) from File 1. The program should then print out the users gross pay in the following format $00.00.
I'm completely lost. If anyone has any tips, tricks, or words of wisdom for me....it would be greatly appreciated.