Implement a Clock class that has a tick method tick() and variables: hr, min, and sec. Build a test class that has:
C1_int as an initial time (e.g., 10:30:00) Clock c1_int = new Clock();
C2_alarm as a target time. (e.g.,12:45:00) Clock c2_alarm = new Clock();
Write a code in the test class, in which you can set the target time, and let the program stop whenever the initial time equal the initial time.
1. As in regular clock, the Tick method increases one second every time you call the method.
2. The minutes increases 1 minute every 60 seconds.
3. The hours increase 1 hour every 60 minutes.
can anyone help me to write this program?
it's an assignment due next week
help a new member of the community for good first impression <3