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Thread: Call a method

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Unhappy Call a method

    Quote Originally Posted by Rauda View Post
    public class Clock {
        private int hr;
        private int min;
        private int sec;
        public int getHour() {
            return hr;
        public void setHour(int h) {
            if (h >= 0 && hr <= 23) {
                hr = h;
        public int getMin() {
            return min;
        public void setMin(int m) {
            if (m >= 0 && min <= 60) {
                min = m;
    private void tick() {
            if (sec == 60) {
                sec = 0;
                if (min == 60) {
                    min = 0;
                    if (hr == 24) {
                        hr = 0;
    I'm so sorry for this
    & i know that I'm should to write my own question

    but can you tell me how can I call this method on the main method plzzz gelp me

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Call a method

    Question moved to new thread.

    how can I call this method
    To call a method in a class, get an instance of the class and use the dot notation to call the class:
       referenceToClass.theMethodToCall(); // call theMethodToCall

    One way to get a reference to an instance of the class is to use a new statement:
     SomeClass referenceToClass =  new SomeClass();    // create instance of SomeClass
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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