The first error message says, "SimpleDateFormat.parse cannot be resolved to a type." So check that line of code carefully and see if there's any misuse of SimpleDateFormat.
You would also be well advised to clean up that CONCATENATE statement by preparing the variables before the call. That will help identify the cause of the other error messages. For example, something like this:
String localId = (String)field_localId.getValue();
com.x2dev.sis.model.beans .SisPerson sisPerson = (com.x2dev.sis.model.beans .SisPerson)field_person.getValue();
java.util.Date dateOfBirth = (java.util.Date)sisPerson.getDob();
String dobString = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/hh/dd").parse(dateOfBirth);
String formattedDob = "???"; // To be determined
CONCATENATE(localId, formattedDob);