Hi there!

I'm trying to develop a Sales (POS) and Supply cost Management System for an Business Organisation. I'm trying to make system with the following functionality.
1. Admin will be able to create products for selling and the products can be shown in POS screen.
2. Admin will be able to create Supply-Material list to keep cost record.
3. Admin will be able to create USER and also can limit the access for the USER.
4. User will be able to operate the (POS) Sales part.
5. User will also be able to operate/enter Supply-Material price.
6. System will generate Daily-weekly-Monthly Sales Report and Daily-weekly-Monthly Supply-Material Cost Report.

Before I developed a POS where User could login and select the product from POS screen and perform the sell process. But this I'm trying to Develop the system with above listed functionality.

I'm not sure how I can create the system where *Admin can create products for selling and the products can be shown in POS screen.

Any tips in designing this system and implementing would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance