I didn't get a chance to post earlier before term204's edits but it looks like you are on the right track
Chasis weight(peso) + ruedaDelatera Weight(peso) + ruedaTracera Weight (peso)
This is what I was going to post earlier... before your edits:
To calculate the total weight of the Bicicleta, the Bicicleta class should have a method called something like getTotalWeight(). This will return the total weight value.
The Rueda class should have a method like getRuedaWeight(). The same goes for the Chasis class.
That way from Bicicleta.getTotalWeight() you can call Rueda.getRuedaWeight() for each of the tires and add it to the weight of the Chasis class.
These are just the paths to the methods you would use. In your code you would use the actual instance variable. So something like: ruedaDelatera.getRuedaWeight()
The toString() method would be implemented in the same way. That way all you do from the BicicletaPrograma class is call miBicicleta.toString().
There should be no need to have class variables for the ruedas and chasis in the BicicletaPrograma. That would be stored in the Bicicleta class.
Anyways some of this may not apply anymore. Hope that helps.