hi again to all i need to do this exercises
i am not good at java but i have to deliver them so
there they are , can someone help me
Write a java program that receives the keyboard two integers and
shows the result of dividing the first of the latter.
; If the values are not corresponding to integers appear appropriate message,
after handling the exception NumberFormatException.
; If the division can not be done because the denominator is equal to zero, be
Handling ArithemticException and appears suitable message.
write a program java, using headings File, FileReader and FileWriter to do
the following:
1. Examine whether the file «src.txt» is the current directory. If there should be
terminates the execution of using the exception FileNotFoundException.
2. Copies the contents of the file src.txt dest.txt, adding a blank line after
each line src.txt plus replacing all spaces with the @ character.
3. Finally, it displays the size in bytes of the file and src.txt dest.txt, both before the opening as
after closing the file.