Here are my Two classes and a tester. I need help outputting a sub-list of all the Highly Paid employees.
_____________________________public class Pay2 { private String name; private char gender; private double hours; private double payRate; /** * Constructor for objects of class Pay */ public Pay2(String n, char g, double h, double r) { // initialise instance variables name = n; gender = g; hours = h; payRate = r; } /** * An example of a method - replace this comment with your own * * @param y a sample parameter for a method * @return the sum of x and y */ public double computeGrossPay () { return hours * payRate; } public char getGender () { return gender; } public double getRate () { return payRate; } }
_____________________________________import java.util.*; public class Salary { private ArrayList theSalary; public Salary() { ArrayList theSalary = new ArrayList (); } public void addSalary (Pay2 p) { theSalary.add (p); } public double computeSalary() { double total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < theSalary.size(); i++) { Pay2 p =(Pay2) theSalary.get (i); total = total + p.computeGrossPay(); } return total; } public double computeMale() { double total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < theSalary.size();i++) { Pay2 p =(Pay2) theSalary.get (i); if (p.getGender() == 'm') total = total + p.computeGrossPay(); } return total; } public double computeFemale() { double total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < theSalary.size();i++) { Pay2 p =(Pay2) theSalary.get (i); if (p.getGender() == 'f') total = total + p.computeGrossPay(); } return total; } public int highPay(double i) { double pay = i; int number = 0; for( int s = 0; s < theSalary.size(); s++) { Pay2 p =(Pay2) theSalary.get (s); if (p.getRate() >= pay) number++; } return number; } public ArrayList highPaid(double b) { double pay = b; ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < theSalary.size(); i++) { Pay2 p =(Pay2) theSalary.get (i); if (p.getRate() >= pay) a.add(p); } return a; } }
import java.util.*; public class Tester { public static void main (String [] args) { Salary s = new Salary(); Pay2 p = new Pay2("Bob", 'm', 30, 10.50); s.addSalary(p); p = new Pay2("Jen", 'f', 30, 12.00); s.addSalary(p); p = new Pay2("Tom", 'm', 20, 9.50); s.addSalary(p); p = new Pay2("Pat", 'f', 40, 15.65); s.addSalary(p); p = new Pay2("Nick", 'm', 45, 12.00); s.addSalary(p); p = new Pay2("Mike", 'm', 35, 15.00); s.addSalary(p); p = new Pay2("Barb", 'f', 20, 25.00); s.addSalary(p); p = new Pay2("Katie", 'f', 30, 14.00); s.addSalary(p); p = new Pay2("John", 'm', 45, 12.00); s.addSalary(p); p = new Pay2("Mark", 'm', 40, 7.75); s.addSalary(p); Scanner sc = new Scanner(; System.out.println("What is the threshold for high Pay?"); double a = sc.nextDouble (); double w = s.computeSalary(); double m = s.computeMale(); double f = s.computeFemale(); int h = s.highPay(a); System.out.println("The weekly salarys for all employees is $" + w); System.out.println("The weekly salarys for all males is $" + m ); System.out.println("The weekly salarys for all females is $" + f); } }
Any feedback will help.
Thanks, Allusive