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Thread: Please help with correcting error "NON STATIC METHOD CANNOT BE CALLED FROM STATIC CONTEXT"

  1. #1
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    Default Please help with correcting error "NON STATIC METHOD CANNOT BE CALLED FROM STATIC CONTEXT"

    I have a project to submit and need help correcting the errors in my code. The error message states "non static method cannot be called from a static context." I have no idea how to correct this code. I have reached out to a few tutors and the last one did not respond and now I am out of time. Please help! I have attached the code

    RecipeBox issue.txt

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help with correcting error "NON STATIC METHOD CANNOT BE CALLED FROM STATIC CONTEXT"

    To call a non-static method, the code needs to have a reference to an instance of the class and use that reference to call the method:
       refToClass.theMethodToCall();  // call non-static method

    To call a static method, use the classname dot method name:
      TheClassName.theStaticMethod();  // call static method

    Please post here any code that you are asking about. Not as an attachment or link.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Norm For This Useful Post:

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  4. #3
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    Default Re: Please help with correcting error "NON STATIC METHOD CANNOT BE CALLED FROM STATIC CONTEXT"

    Thank you I tried to post my code initially but it gave me an error so I ended up having to attach it so in this case its referencing a method called addNewRecipe in another class called Recipe. I currently have it as this.listOfRecipes.add(Recipe.addNewRecipe());. Based on what you are saying should it be changed to this this.listOfRecipes.add(RecipeBox.addNewRecipe());? ?

    See full code below:

    package Final;

    import java.util.ArrayList;

    * @author rijackson
    public class RecipeBox {
    //Single private instance field
    private ArrayList<Recipe> listOfRecipes;

    *Constructor for recipe box
    public RecipeBox() {
    this.setListOfRecipes(new ArrayList<>());

    * @param listOfRecipes
    public RecipeBox(ArrayList<Recipe> listOfRecipes) {

    //Accessor and mutator for list of recipes
    * @return list of recipes
    public ArrayList<Recipe> getListOfRecipes() {
    return listOfRecipes;

    * @param listOfRecipes the list of recipes
    public void setListOfRecipes(ArrayList<Recipe> listOfRecipes) {
    this.listOfRecipes = listOfRecipes;

    * method to add new recipe to the collection
    public void addNewRecipe() {
    //call into static method on recipe class

    //print all recipe names

    * Method to print all recipe names
    public void printAllRecipeNames() {
    for(Recipe r : listOfRecipes) { //iterate over list
    System.out.println(r.getRecipeName()); //print the name

    * @param name
    public void printRecipeDetails(String name) {
    Recipe r = findRecipe(name); //look for recipe
    if(r == null) { //if none found, notify user
    System.out.println("Recipe not found");
    } else {
    r.printRecipe();//print full details

    * @param name
    public void deleteRecipe(String name) {
    Recipe r = findRecipe(name); //find recipe by name
    if(r == null) { //if no match, notify user
    System.out.println("Recipe not found");
    } else {
    listOfRecipes.remove(r); //remove recipe from list

    //helper to find a recipe by name
    //Returns null if no match is found
    private Recipe findRecipe(String name) {
    for(Recipe r : listOfRecipes) {
    if(r.getRecipeName().equals(name)) {
    return r;
    return null;

    --- Update ---

    Thank you I tried to post my code initially but it gave me an error so I ended up having to attach it. So in this case its referencing a method called addNewRecipe in another class called Recipe. I currently have it as this.listOfRecipes.add(Recipe.addNewRecipe());. Based on what you are saying should it be changed to this this.listOfRecipes.add(RecipeBox.addNewRecipe());? ?

    See full code below:
    package Final;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
     * @author rijackson
    public class RecipeBox {
    	//Single private instance field
    	private ArrayList<Recipe> listOfRecipes;
         *Constructor for recipe box
    	public RecipeBox() {
    		this.setListOfRecipes(new ArrayList<>());
         * @param listOfRecipes
        public RecipeBox(ArrayList<Recipe> listOfRecipes) {
          //Accessor and mutator for list of recipes
         * @return list of recipes
    	public ArrayList<Recipe> getListOfRecipes() {
    		return listOfRecipes;
         * @param listOfRecipes the list of recipes
        public void setListOfRecipes(ArrayList<Recipe> listOfRecipes) {
    		this.listOfRecipes = listOfRecipes;
         * method to add new recipe to the collection
    	public void addNewRecipe() {
                //call into static method on recipe class
    	//print all recipe names 
         * Method to print all recipe names
    	public void printAllRecipeNames() {
    		for(Recipe r : listOfRecipes) { //iterate over list
    			System.out.println(r.getRecipeName()); //print the name
         * @param name
    	public void printRecipeDetails(String name) {
    		Recipe r = findRecipe(name); //look for recipe
    		if(r == null) { //if none found, notify user
    			System.out.println("Recipe not found");
    		} else {
    			r.printRecipe();//print full details
         * @param name
        public void deleteRecipe(String name) {
    		Recipe r = findRecipe(name); //find recipe by name
    		if(r == null) { //if no match, notify user
    			System.out.println("Recipe not found");
    		} else {
    			listOfRecipes.remove(r); //remove recipe from list
    	//helper to find a recipe by name
    	//Returns null if no match is found
    	private Recipe findRecipe(String name) {
    		for(Recipe r : listOfRecipes) {
    			if(r.getRecipeName().equals(name)) {
    				return r;
    		return null;
    Last edited by bigrich08; March 3rd, 2019 at 05:03 PM. Reason: wrapping code

  5. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help with correcting error "NON STATIC METHOD CANNOT BE CALLED FROM STATIC CONTEXT"

    What class is the method addNewRecipe defined in? The Recipe class was not posted.
    Is there a reference to an instance of that class that is available when you want to call the method?

    The syntax of the expression: Recipe.addNewRecipe() says that addNewRecipe is a static method in the Recipe class.

    Please edit your post and wrap your code with code tags:


    to get highlighting and preserve formatting.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  6. #5
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    Default Re: Please help with correcting error "NON STATIC METHOD CANNOT BE CALLED FROM STATIC CONTEXT"

    its in my recipe class See Below

    public class Recipe {
        private String recipeName;
        private int servings;    
        private List<Ingredient> recipeIngredients;
        private double totalRecipeCalories;    
        private List<Recipe> listofRecipes = new ArrayList<>();
         * @return the recipeName
        //accessors and mutators
        public String getRecipeName() {
    		return recipeName;
         * @param recipeName
        public void setRecipeName(String recipeName) {
    		this.recipeName = recipeName;
         * @return
        public int getServings() {
    		return servings;
         * @param servings
        public void setServings(int servings) {
    		this.servings = servings;
         * @return
        public List<Ingredient> getRecipeIngredients() {
    		return recipeIngredients;
         * @param recipeIngredients
        public void setRecipeIngredients(List<Ingredient> recipeIngredients) {
    		this.recipeIngredients = recipeIngredients;
         * @return the total recipe calories
        public double getTotalRecipeCalories() {
    		return totalRecipeCalories;
         * @param totalRecipeCalories
        public void setTotalRecipeCalories(double totalRecipeCalories) {
    		this.totalRecipeCalories = totalRecipeCalories;
         * default constructor
        public Recipe() {
            this.recipeName = "";
            this.servings = 0;
            this.recipeIngredients = new ArrayList <>();
            this.totalRecipeCalories = 0;
        //overloaded constructor to create custom recipe
         * @param recipeName
         * @param servings
         * @param recipeIngredients
         * @param totalRecipeCalories
        public Recipe(String recipeName, int servings, 
        	ArrayList<Ingredient> recipeIngredients, double totalRecipeCalories) {
            this.recipeName = recipeName;
            this.servings = servings;
            this.recipeIngredients = recipeIngredients;
            this.totalRecipeCalories = totalRecipeCalories;
         *  method to print recipe
        public void printRecipe() {
        		int singleServingCalories = 0;
        		singleServingCalories = (int) (this.getTotalRecipeCalories()/this.getServings());
        		System.out.println("Recipe: " + this.getRecipeName());
        		System.out.println("Serves: " + this.getServings());
            System.out.println("Ingredients: ");
            for(Ingredient ingredients : getRecipeIngredients()) {
            		System.out.println("Ingredient name: " + ingredients.getnameOfIngredient() );
            		System.out.println("Ingredient Amount: " + ingredients.getingredientAmount() );        		
            		System.out.println(" Calories with measurement: "
                                    + ingredients.unitMeasurement + "Each serving has " + singleServingCalories);
         * @return add new recipe per user inputs
        public Recipe addNewRecipe() {
            double totalRecipeCalories = 0.0;
            boolean addMoreIngredients = true;
            Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);
            System.out.println("Please enter the recipe name: ");
            String recipeName = scnr.nextLine();
            System.out.println("Please enter the number of servings: ");
            int servings = scnr.nextInt();
            do {
                Ingredient thisIngredient = new Ingredient();
                System.out.println("Please enter the ingredient name "
                		+ "or type end if you are finished entering ingredients: ");
                String ingredientName = scnr.next();
                if (ingredientName.toLowerCase().equals("end")) {
                    addMoreIngredients = false;  // "end" discomtinues the loop
                } else {
                	    thisIngredient.setnameOfIngredient(ingredientName); //adding ingredient to recipe list
    	            System.out.println("Please enter the ingredient amount: "); //prompt to enter the ingredient amount
    	            float ingredientAmount = scnr.nextFloat();  
    	            System.out.println("Please enter the ingredient Calories: "); //prompt to enter the ingredient calories
    	            int ingredientCalories = scnr.nextInt();
    	            //Add the total Calories from this ingredient 
    	            totalRecipeCalories = totalRecipeCalories + (ingredientCalories * ingredientAmount);      
           } while (addMoreIngredients); //looping to add ingredients from user unless "end" 
                    //create new recipe with user inputs 
                    Recipe recipe;
                    recipe = new Recipe(recipeName,servings, (ArrayList<Ingredient>) getRecipeIngredients(), totalRecipeCalories);
                    return recipe;
         * @return the listofRecipes
        public List<Recipe> getListofRecipes() {
            return listofRecipes;
         * @param listofRecipes the listofRecipes to set
        public void setListofRecipes(List<Recipe> listofRecipes) {
            this.listofRecipes = listofRecipes;

  7. #6
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help with correcting error "NON STATIC METHOD CANNOT BE CALLED FROM STATIC CONTEXT"

    The addNewRecipe() method is not static, so it can not be called using the static syntax as I mentioned above.

    Can it be changed to a static method?

    Otherwise there needs to be a reference to an instance of the Recipe class that can be used as I mentioned above.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to Norm For This Useful Post:

    bigrich08 (March 3rd, 2019)

  9. #7
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    Default Re: Please help with correcting error "NON STATIC METHOD CANNOT BE CALLED FROM STATIC CONTEXT"

    ahh ok I changed it to static and that removed the error message there but then it placed that same error message on this part of the code in the Recipe class now which is referring to the getRecipeIngredients() accsessor.
    	            //Add the total Calories from this ingredient 
    	            totalRecipeCalories = totalRecipeCalories + (ingredientCalories * ingredientAmount);      
           } while (addMoreIngredients); //looping to add ingredients from user unless "end" 
                    //create new recipe with user inputs 
                   [COLOR="#FF0000"] Recipe recipe = new Recipe(recipeName,servings, (ArrayList<Ingredient>) getRecipeIngredients(), totalRecipeCalories);[/COLOR]
                    return recipe;
    Could you give me an example of what an instance of the Recipe class would look like in this case? that may be what I need vs making the method static.
    Last edited by bigrich08; March 3rd, 2019 at 08:23 PM. Reason: highlighting text

  10. #8
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help with correcting error "NON STATIC METHOD CANNOT BE CALLED FROM STATIC CONTEXT"

    example of what an instance of the Recipe class would look like
    An instance of a class is created with a new statement that calls the class's constructor. The following statement from your code creates an instance of the Recipe class and saves the reference in the recipe variable:
     Recipe recipe = new Recipe(recipeName,servings, (ArrayList<Ingredient>) getRecipeIngredients(), totalRecipeCalories);

    same error message on this part of the code in the Recipe class
    You can not make a method static if it uses other parts of the class that are not static.
    The ingredients for a recipe belong to one recipe so their values can not be static (meaning shared between all instances of a class).

    Look at where the original problem is. What recipe is it working with? The code needs a reference to that recipe so it can call one of its methods.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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