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Thread: Pizza Class

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Pizza Class

    The program must include the following:

    Class named Pizza that will be used to create Pizza objects.
    The Pizza class will have the following instance variables: an int variable to store the diameter size of the pizza and three String variables to store the toppings of the pizza.
    Three Pizza() class constructors.
    Constructor #1 will be a no-argument constructor that initializes the instance variables to a default size and single topping. The Pizza object created for the Classic Cheese Pizza, in the example above, used the no-arugment constructor. Consider how the remaining two toppings should be initialized.
    Constructor #2 will accept three parameters; the diameter size, topping 1, and topping 2. The Pizza object created for the Classic Pepperoni Pizza, in the example above, used the three-parameter constructor. Consider how the remaining topping should be initialized.
    Constructor #3 will accept four parameters, the diameter size and all three toppings. The Pizza object created for the Classic Hawaiian Pizza, in the example above, used the four-parameter constructor.
    A class method (void type) that accepts a Pizza object as a parameter. The method prints the value of each object's instance variables along with clarifying information. The higlighted text in the image below is the output from a call to such a class method.
    In the main() method, declare three Pizza objects. One that invokes the no-object constructor; one that invokes the three-parameter constructorl and one that invokes the four-parameter constructor.
    Add an informational header to the top of the program. The program example below has an informational header that says "Vinny's Pizza Shop."
    Add clarifying text that provides a name for each pizza created by the Pizza object; "** The Classic Hawaiian Pizza **" is an example of this.
    Add calls to the class method created to print each Pizza object. You should have three calls to the class method - one for each Pizza object created.
    Add comments to explain the elements of your program..
    Compile your program and debug as necessary.
    Test your code to ensure your program works as expected.
    Copy and paste your program code.
    DO NOT submit a screenshot of your code as I will compile and execute your program to verify it works as expected.upload.jpg

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pizza Class

    Do you have any specific java programming questions about your assignment?
    What have you tried?

    Be sure to wrap all posted code in code tags.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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