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Thread: Calulating Quaterly On Quaterly Growth.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
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    Default Calulating Quaterly On Quaterly Growth.

    Hi, I am Rajesh new to java coding. please check the below code and modify it.

    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.FileInputStream;
    import java.io.FileOutputStream;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;

    import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell;
    import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.FillPatternType;
    import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.IndexedColors;
    import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;
    import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCell;
    import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCellStyle;
    import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFRow;
    import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet;
    import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;

    public class Create_QOQ_Report {
    private XSSFWorkbook inputWorkbooks;
    private XSSFWorkbook outputWorkbook;

    private XSSFSheet inputSheet;
    private XSSFSheet outputSheet;

    public Create_QOQ_Report(String newPath , String DestinatonPath) throws IOException {
    // Step #1 : Locate path and file of input excel.
    File inputFile = new File(newPath);
    //File inputFile = new File("D:\\NewTraining\\RajeshPraharaj\\Source.xlsx ");
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(inputFile);
    inputWorkbooks = new XSSFWorkbook(fis);
    int inputSheetCount = inputWorkbooks.getNumberOfSheets();
    System.out.println("Input SheetCount: " + inputSheetCount);

    // Step #2 : Locate path and file of output excel.
    File outputFile = new File(DestinatonPath);
    //File outputFile = new File("D:\\NewTraining\\RajeshPraharaj\\target.xlsx ");
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);

    // Step #3 : Creating workbook for output excel file.
    outputWorkbook = new XSSFWorkbook();

    // Step #4 : Creating sheets with the same name as appearing in input file.
    for (int i = 0; i < inputSheetCount; i++) {
    inputSheet = inputWorkbooks.getSheetAt(i);
    String inputSheetName = inputWorkbooks.getSheetName(i);
    outputSheet = outputWorkbook.createSheet(inputSheetName);

    // Create and call method to copy the sheet and content in new workbook.

    // Step #9 : Write all the sheets in the new Workbook(testData_Copy.xlsx) using FileOutStream Object
    // Step #10 : At the end of the Program close the FileOutputStream object.

    public void copySheet() {
    int rowCount = inputSheet.getLastRowNum();
    int type = 0;
    String cellData = null;
    System.out.println(rowCount + " rows in inputsheet " + inputSheet.getSheetName());

    int rowNum;
    if (rowCount > 0) {
    int rowStart = 0;
    int lastColumn = 0;
    //int rowEnd = inputSheet.getLastRowNum();

    for (rowNum=rowStart; rowNum<rowCount; rowNum++) {
    Row r = inputSheet.getRow(rowNum);
    if (r == null) {
    // This whole row is empty
    // Handle it as needed

    Cell c, c1, c2;
    lastColumn = Math.max(r.getLastCellNum(), 0);
    int ls = lastColumn+1;
    for (int cn=0; cn < lastColumn; cn++) {
    //Cell c = r.getCell(cn, Row.MissingCellPolicy.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK);
    c = r.getCell(cn);

    if(c!=null) {
    type = c.getCellType();
    switch(type) {
    cellData = null;
    double nvalue = c.getNumericCellValue();
    if(nvalue==new Double(nvalue).longValue()) {
    cellData = String.valueOf(new Double(nvalue).longValue());
    } else {
    cellData = String.valueOf(c.getNumericCellValue());
    if (cn==0) {
    outputSheet.createRow(rowNum).createCell(cn).setCe llValue(nvalue);
    } else {
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(cn).setCellV alue(nvalue);
    cellData = c.getStringCellValue();
    if (cn==0) {
    outputSheet.createRow(rowNum).createCell(cn).setCe llValue(cellData);
    } else {
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(cn).setCellV alue(cellData);

    // Calculating The Quaterly Over Quaterly Calculation.//

    int lastColumn1 = Math.max(r.getLastCellNum(), 2);
    int ls1 = lastColumn1+1;
    Cell QOQ ;
    QOQ = r.getCell(13);
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(lastColumn1) .setCellValue("Q1-Q2(15)");

    c1 = r.getCell(13);
    c2 = r.getCell(14);
    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#%");
    if(rowNum>1 && c1!=null && c2!=null) {
    double nvalue = (c2.getNumericCellValue() - c1.getNumericCellValue()) / c1.getNumericCellValue();

    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(lastColumn). setCellValue(df.format(nvalue));
    QOQ = r.getCell(14);
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls1).setCell Value("Q2-Q3(15)");
    c1 = r.getCell(14);
    c2 = r.getCell(15);
    if(rowNum>1 && c1!=null && c2!=null) {
    double nvalue = (float) ((c2.getNumericCellValue() - c1.getNumericCellValue()) / c1.getNumericCellValue());
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls).setCellV alue(df.format(nvalue));
    //System.out.println("Value of the cell"+ Math.round(nvalue));
    QOQ = r.getCell(15);
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls1+1).setCe llValue("Q3-Q4(15)");
    c1 = r.getCell(15);
    c2 = r.getCell(16);
    if(rowNum>1 && c1!=null && c2!=null) {
    double nvalue = ((c2.getNumericCellValue() - c1.getNumericCellValue()) / c1.getNumericCellValue());
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls+1).setCel lValue(df.format(nvalue));

    QOQ = r.getCell(16);
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls1+2).setCe llValue("Q4(15)-Q1(16)");
    c1 = r.getCell(16);
    c2 = r.getCell(17);
    if(rowNum>1 && c1!=null && c2!=null) {
    double nvalue = ((c2.getNumericCellValue() - c1.getNumericCellValue()) / c1.getNumericCellValue());
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls+2).setCel lValue(df.format(nvalue));
    QOQ = r.getCell(17);
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls1+3).setCe llValue("Q1-Q2(16)");
    c1 = r.getCell(17);
    c2 = r.getCell(18);
    if(rowNum>1 && c1!=null && c2!=null) {
    double nvalue = ((c2.getNumericCellValue() - c1.getNumericCellValue()) / c1.getNumericCellValue());
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls+3).setCel lValue(df.format(nvalue));
    QOQ = r.getCell(18);
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls1+4).setCe llValue("Q2-Q3(16)");

    c1 = r.getCell(18);
    c2 = r.getCell(19);
    if(rowNum>1 && c1!=null && c2!=null) {
    double nvalue = ((c2.getNumericCellValue() - c1.getNumericCellValue()) / c1.getNumericCellValue());
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls+4).setCel lValue(df.format(nvalue));
    QOQ = r.getCell(19);
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls1+5).setCe llValue("Q3-Q4(16)");

    c1 = r.getCell(19);
    c2 = r.getCell(20);
    if(rowNum>1 && c1!=null && c2!=null) {
    double nvalue = ((c2.getNumericCellValue() - c1.getNumericCellValue()) / c1.getNumericCellValue());
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls+5).setCel lValue(df.format(nvalue));

    QOQ = r.getCell(20);
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls1+6).setCe llValue("Q4(16)-Q1(17)");
    c1 = r.getCell(20);
    c2 = r.getCell(21);
    if(rowNum>1 && c1!=null && c2!=null) {
    double nvalue = ((c2.getNumericCellValue() - c1.getNumericCellValue()) / c1.getNumericCellValue());
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls+6).setCel lValue(df.format(nvalue));

    QOQ = r.getCell(21);
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls1+7).setCe llValue("Q1-Q2(17)");
    c1 = r.getCell(21);
    c2 = r.getCell(22);
    if(rowNum>1 && c1!=null && c2!=null) {
    double nvalue = ((c2.getNumericCellValue() - c1.getNumericCellValue()) / c1.getNumericCellValue());
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls+7).setCel lValue(df.format(nvalue));

    QOQ = r.getCell(22);
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls1+8).setCe llValue("Q2-Q3(17)");
    c1 = r.getCell(22);
    c2 = r.getCell(23);
    if(rowNum>1 && c1!=null && c2!=null) {
    double nvalue = ((c2.getNumericCellValue() - c1.getNumericCellValue()) / c1.getNumericCellValue());
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls+8).setCel lValue(df.format(nvalue));
    QOQ = r.getCell(23);
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls1+9).setCe llValue("Q3-Q4(17)");
    c1 = r.getCell(23);
    c2 = r.getCell(24);
    if(rowNum>1 && c1!=null && c2!=null) {
    double nvalue = ((c2.getNumericCellValue() - c1.getNumericCellValue()) / c1.getNumericCellValue());
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls+9).setCel lValue(df.format(nvalue));

    QOQ = r.getCell(24);
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls1+10).setC ellValue("Q4(17)-Q1(18)");
    c1 = r.getCell(24);
    c2 = r.getCell(25);
    if(rowNum>1 && c1!=null && c2!=null) {
    double nvalue = ((c2.getNumericCellValue() - c1.getNumericCellValue()) / c1.getNumericCellValue());
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls+10).setCe llValue(df.format(nvalue));
    QOQ = r.getCell(25);
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls1+11).setC ellValue("Q1-Q2(18)");

    c1 = r.getCell(25);
    c2 = r.getCell(26);
    if(rowNum>1 && c1!=null && c2!=null) {
    double nvalue = ((c2.getNumericCellValue() - c1.getNumericCellValue()) / c1.getNumericCellValue());
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls+11).setCe llValue(df.format(nvalue));
    QOQ = r.getCell(26);
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls1+12).setC ellValue("Q2-Q3(18)");
    c1 = r.getCell(26);
    c2 = r.getCell(27);
    if(rowNum>1 && c1!=null && c2!=null) {
    double nvalue = ((c2.getNumericCellValue() - c1.getNumericCellValue()) / c1.getNumericCellValue());
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls+12).setCe llValue(df.format(nvalue));
    QOQ = r.getCell(27);
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls1+13).setC ellValue("Q3-Q4(18)");
    c1 = r.getCell(27);
    c2 = r.getCell(28);
    if(rowNum>1 && c1!=null && c2!=null) {
    double nvalue = ((c2.getNumericCellValue() - c1.getNumericCellValue()) / c1.getNumericCellValue());
    outputSheet.getRow(rowNum).createCell(ls+13).setCe llValue(df.format(nvalue));


    for(int i=13; i<=28; i++) {

    System.out.println((rowCount-1) + " rows added to outputsheet " + outputSheet.getSheetName());

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    new Create_QOQ_Report ("D:\\Selenium QoQ\\ForecasterData.xlsx" , "D:\\Selenium QoQ\\Ovum-ForecasterQOQ.xlsx");

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Calulating Quaterly On Quaterly Growth.

    Do you have any specific java programming questions?

    Please edit your post and wrap your code with code tags:


    to get highlighting and preserve formatting.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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