package students;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class Students
public static void main(String[] args)
//first list the integers and strings which are
//the student’s major (CIS or Math)
//The student’s last name
//The number of credits the student has completed
//The gpa
//The tuition paid
int tuition, finish = 1, students=0, credits, major, credits1 = 0, credits2 = 0, credits3 = 0, credits4 = 0;
String smajor, last, sgpa, stuition, sfinish, scredits;
double largestg = 0, largestm1 = 0, largestm2 = 0, gpa, totalgpa=0, totaltuition=0;
String highnameg = "", highnamem1 = "", highnamem2 = "";
int totalcredits=0;
while (finish != 0)
smajor = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
"Enter students major (1 for math 2 for cis)", "Input Data",
last = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
"Enter students last name",
"Input Data",
scredits = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
"Enter students total amount of credits", "Input Data",
sgpa = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
"Enter students GPA", "Input Data",
stuition = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
"Enter students tuition paid",
"Input Data",
credits = Integer.parseInt(scredits);
gpa = Double.parseDouble(sgpa);
tuition = Integer.parseInt(stuition);
major = Integer.parseInt(smajor);
if (gpa > largestg)
largestg = gpa;
highnameg = last;
if (major == 1)
if (gpa > largestm1)
largestm1 = gpa;
highnamem1 = last;
else if (major == 2)
if (gpa > largestm2)
largestm2 = gpa;
highnamem2 = last;
if (credits <= 30)
credits1 = students;
else if (credits >=31 && credits <=60)
credits2 = students;
else if (credits >=61 && credits <=90)
credits3 = students;
else if (credits >=90)
credits4 = students;
sfinish = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
"Enter 0 if your done or 1 to continue", "Input Data",
finish = Integer.parseInt(sfinish);
} //while loop
//do calcs and such
double agpa = totalgpa / students;
double avgtu = totaltuition / students;
int avgcr = totalcredits / students;
//print out results
"\nAverage GPA = " + agpa +
"\nTuition = $" + totaltuition +
"\nAverage tuition = $" + avgtu +
"\nAverage credits = $" + avgcr +
"\nHighest GPA from " + highnameg +" " +largestg +
"\nHighest GPA from a math student is " + highnamem1 +" from " +largestm1+
"\nHighest GPA from a cis student is " + highnamem2 +" from " +largestm2+
"\nNumber of Freshman is " +credits1+
"\nNumber of Sophomore is " +credits2+
"\nNumber of Junior is " +credits3+
"\nNumber of Senior is " +credits4+