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Thread: Changing from Public to private

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2019
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    Unhappy Changing from Public to private

    So I have some code here, and I want to change the "reactionFactor" variable in "ReactionAgent" to private or protected and still be able to access it in the next class "Augmentium"
    when i cahnge it to private it tells me that i cant access it because It is private.. I dont want the rectionFactor variable to be changed in the "ReactionAgent" class, only in the instance in the "Augmentium" class.

    I panic so much when I cant get these things done. Im new to java and im wondering if i should just switch to another major or dropout ....I appreciate all help

    Here are the two classes:

    package ReactionAgent;
    public class ReactionAgent 
    	public int reactionFactor;  //I want this to be private 
    	public ReactionAgent()
    	reactionFactor = 1;
    	public void setFactor (int Factor)
    	reactionFactor = Factor;
    	public int getFactor()
    	return reactionFactor;

    import ReactionAgent.ReactionAgent;
    import java.util.Random; // import this library
    public class Augmentium
    	private int val;
    	private int max; 	
    	private int nextInt;
    	public void Augmentium()
    	val = 1;
    	max = 4;
    	nextInt = 1;
    	ReactionAgent Augmentium = new ReactionAgent();
    	/*public int oreReaction(int Ore)
    	Ore = reactionFactor + Ore;
    	return Ore;
    	Random randNum = new Random();
    	public int randNum()
    	max = 3;
    	Augmentium.reactionFactor = randNum.nextInt(max) + 2; //gets a value between 2 and max(inclusive)
    	return Augmentium.reactionFactor;
    	 public static void main(String args[])
            Augmentium test = new Augmentium();
    Last edited by Peacetoyou; September 24th, 2019 at 05:59 PM. Reason: formatting

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Changing from Public to private

    Can you use getter and setter methods to allow access to the value in the variable?

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    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Changing from Public to private

    thankyou and how do you mean

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Changing from Public to private

    Use a getter method to access the value of variable.
    Use a setter method to set the value of the variable.

    See the ReactionAgent class.
    It has a getFactor method
    and a setFactor method.

    An example:
       refToClass.setValue(newValue);    //  set the Value to newValue
       value = refToClass.getValue();     //  get the Value
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Norm For This Useful Post:

    Peacetoyou (September 24th, 2019)

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