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Thread: Very confused

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Very confused

    Hi, i have an issue where my programs output is returning false in comparison to the benchmark output for an assignment I'm doing (can be seen in attachment below), I was wondering if anyone knows what I did wrong?, I put a comment with // below on what I think went wrong but I'm still unsure why the method isChestUnlocked returning false, maybe instead of referring to jar1 in class ground, I have to refer to jar1, jar2 and 3 in class Chest instead?, if so how do I do this since the variables have to be private.

    public class Stone
        private String name;
        private int weight;
        public Stone()[ATTACH=CONFIG]3655[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]3655[/ATTACH]
            System.out.print("Enter stone name: ");
            name = Global.keyboard.nextLine();
            System.out.print("Enter stone weight: ");
            weight = Global.keyboard.nextInt();
    	public int getWeight()
         	return weight;
    public class Jar
        private int position;
        private Stone stone;
        public Jar()
            position = 0;
            stone = null;
        public Jar(int initPos, Stone stone)
            position = initPos;
            this.stone = stone;
         public void move(int distance)
           position = position + distance;
        public void moveTo(Jar jar)
            jar.stone = stone;
            stone = null;
        public int getWeight() {
        if (stone == null) {
            return 0;
        return stone.getWeight();
    public class Ground
        private Jar jar1;
        private Jar jar2;
        private Jar jar3;
        private Player player;
        private Chest chest;
        private Stone stone1;
        private Stone stone2;
        private Stone stone3;
        public Ground()
          player = new Player();
          jar1 = new Jar(1, new Stone());
          jar2 = new Jar(2, new Stone());
          jar3 = new Jar(3, new Stone());
          chest = new Chest();
       public boolean isChestUnlocked(){
        if (jar1.getWeight() + jar2.getWeight() + jar3.getWeight() == chest.combination) // I think this is the main problem
            return true;
            return false;
    public class Chest
        public int combination;
        private int position = 4;
        private Jar jar1;
        private Jar jar2;
        private Jar jar3;
        public Chest()
            System.out.print("Enter chest combination (5-10): ");
            combination = Global.keyboard.nextInt();
            jar1 = new Jar(4, null);
            jar2 = new Jar(4, null);
            jar3 = new Jar(4, null);

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Very confused

    why the method isChestUnlocked returning false,
    How are you trying to debug the code?
    Try adding some print statements that print out all the values (looks like 4) used in the if statement that controls what that method returns. The printed values should show you what is happening when the statement is executed.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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