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Thread: Java Popup Windows on Eclipse are Blank PROBLEM

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Java Popup Windows on Eclipse are Blank PROBLEM

    Hi everyone, I am a beginner in Java, the IDE I use is Eclipse and my JDK version is 14.0.1. I am writing this because every time I try to run a program with a popup window, the screen which appears is blank, as shown in the video linked below. Additionally, the red text JRE Oracle Corporation/14.0.1 is not supported, advanced source lookup disabled: Unsupported class file major version 58. apearred in the console, signalling a problem. I've tried switching to an different more stable JRE (11.0.7) and the red text no longer appears but the popup screen still appears blank.
    Another weird thing (also shown in the video) is that when I look at the description of the popup screen, it says it is Java Version 1.0, but I thought that the Java Version was the same thing as the JRE. It would be really great if I could get some help solving this problem, thanks alot.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java Popup Windows on Eclipse are Blank PROBLEM

    I don't use Eclipse so I can not help there. I could test your code to see if it works with jdk-14 in the command prompt.
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