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Thread: Code to create fantasy words

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Code to create fantasy words

    First of all, 3 months ago i had nothing to do with java or any other language. During Covid-19 i had alot of time and the idea of writing a fantasy book. But first of all i needed a cool new language like "elvish" from Tolkien. So i started. But after creating the first 30 words in my mind, they started to sound similar. So i thought about an app/program that could do that for me and i decided to learn programming and watched alot of youtube videos about java (I was told it is the easiest for beginners ...). The app should work like that: Click a button, receice a word.

    It took me quiet a long time watching the videos and then writing my programm in eclipse. Unfortunately i have to say, that i am proud, but not very satisfied with my work. It does, what it has to, but most of the words i get are not suitable like "iiffjn", "uuuis" or "wiwifjn". Im sure that there are much better solutions out there. And maybe someone of you can help me to enhance the code.

    Here is what i wrote:

    (Sorry for using some german words in my code, but i did not think anyone else would read it ... )

    "Site1: Program.java"
    import java.util.Random;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class program {
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		Wort1 WortNeu = new Wort1();
    import java.util.Random;
    public class Wort1 {
    	public void erstellen () {
    		Random zufall = new Random ();
    		String[]KonVok = {"ba", "ca", "da", "ea", "fa", "ga", "ha", "ia", "ja", "ka", "la", "ma", "na", "oa", "pa", "ra", "sa", "ta", "ua", "va", "wa", "ya", "ae", "be", "ce", "de", "fe", "ge", "he", "ie", "je", "ke", "le", "me", "ne", "oe", "pe", "re", "se", "te", "ue", "ve", "we", "ye", "ai", "bi", "ci", "di", "ei", "fi", "gi", "hi", "ji", "ki", "li", "mi", "ni", "oi", "pi", "ri", "si", "ti", "ui", "vi", "wi", "yi", "ao", "bo", "co", "do", "eo", "fo", "go", "ho", "io", "jo", "ko", "lo", "mo", "no", "po", "ro", "so", "to", "uo", "vo", "wo", "yo", "au", "bu", "cu", "du", "eu", "fu", "gu", "hu", "iu", "ju", "ku", "lu", "mu", "nu", "ou", "pu", "ru", "su", "tu", "vu", "wu", "yu", "ay", "by", "cy", "dy", "ey", "fy", "gy", "hy", "iy", "jy", "ky", "ly", "my", "ny", "oy", "py", "ry", "sy", "ty", "uy", "vy", "wy", "aj", "bj", "cj", "dj", "ej", "fj", "gj", "hj", "ij", "kj", "lj", "mj", "nj", "oj", "pj", "rj", "sj", "tj", "uj", "vj", "wj", "yj"};
    		String[]DoppelVok = {"aa", "ee", "ii", "oo", "uu", "ae", "ai", "ao", "au", "ea", "ee", "ei", "eo", "eu", "ia", "ie", "io", "iu", "oa", "oe", "oi", "ou", "ua", "ue", "ui", "uo"};
    		String[]DoppelKon = {"ts", "st", "ng", "sb", "bs", "ls", "ch", "rr", "ll", "nn", "ff", "tt", "dd", "pp", "ss", "bb", "th"};
    		String[]Endung = {"ron", "huir", "uien", "ed", "nor", "wej", "vor", "er", "ar", "ing", "myr", "syr", "tjm","ror", "hel", "hul", "run", "cel", "fjn", "dor", "os", "es", "as", "uis", "re", "de", "ser"};
    		String[]Vokale = {"a", "e", "i", "o", "u"};
    		String[]Konsonanten = {"b", "c", "d", "f", "g", "h", "k", "l", "m", "n", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "v", "w", "z"};
    		int Chance = zufall.nextInt(10);
    	if(Chance == 0) {	
    		System.out.print(DoppelVok[new Random().nextInt(DoppelVok.length)]);
    		System.out.print(KonVok[new Random().nextInt(KonVok.length)]);
    	if(Chance == 1) {
    		System.out.print(KonVok[new Random().nextInt(KonVok.length)]);
    		System.out.print(Endung[new Random().nextInt(Endung.length)]);
    	if(Chance == 2) {
    		System.out.print(KonVok[new Random().nextInt(KonVok.length)]);
    		System.out.print(DoppelKon[new Random().nextInt(DoppelKon.length)]);
    		System.out.print(Endung[new Random().nextInt(Endung.length)]);
    	if(Chance == 3) {
    		System.out.print(Konsonanten[new Random().nextInt(Konsonanten.length)]);
    		System.out.print(Vokale[new Random().nextInt(Vokale.length)]);
    		System.out.print(KonVok[new Random().nextInt(KonVok.length)]);
    		System.out.print(Endung[new Random().nextInt(Endung.length)]);
    	if(Chance == 4) {
    		System.out.print(Vokale[new Random().nextInt(Vokale.length)]);
    		System.out.print(Endung[new Random().nextInt(Endung.length)]);
    		System.out.print(DoppelVok[new Random().nextInt(DoppelVok.length)]);
    	if(Chance == 5) {
    		System.out.print(Konsonanten[new Random().nextInt(Konsonanten.length)]);
    		System.out.print(DoppelVok[new Random().nextInt(DoppelVok.length)]);
    	if(Chance == 6) {
    		System.out.print(DoppelVok[new Random().nextInt(DoppelVok.length)]);
    		System.out.print(Konsonanten[new Random().nextInt(Konsonanten.length)]);
    		System.out.print(Endung[new Random().nextInt(Endung.length)]);
    	if(Chance == 7) {
    		System.out.print(DoppelVok[new Random().nextInt(DoppelVok.length)]);
    		System.out.print(Endung[new Random().nextInt(Endung.length)]);
    	if(Chance == 8) {
    		System.out.print(Konsonanten[new Random().nextInt(Konsonanten.length)]);
    		System.out.print(Vokale[new Random().nextInt(Vokale.length)]);
    		System.out.print(Endung[new Random().nextInt(Endung.length)]);
    		System.out.print(Konsonanten[new Random().nextInt(Konsonanten.length)]);
    	if(Chance == 9) {
    		System.out.print(DoppelVok[new Random().nextInt(DoppelVok.length)]);
    		System.out.print(Konsonanten[new Random().nextInt(Konsonanten.length)]);

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Code to create fantasy words

    One change I see is the list of if statements should be replaced by a switch statement.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: Code to create fantasy words

    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    One change I see is the list of if statements should be replaced by a switch statement.
    I dont know know what a switch statement does and how to write it ...

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Code to create fantasy words

    Here's a link to the tutorial: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutor...ts/switch.html
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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