um i dont know how to upload my file so im gona post my project, and i would post the pdf prompt but dono how to post that etiehr XD
so basically i have a few classes and a main
here is the main
----/** * Title: Car Wash with class * * Description: This program calculates the cost of a car wash based on level * of service, type of vehicle, and number of previous washes * This uses methods for calculation and validation * * @author Michael Newby * @version 1.0 */ import javax.swing.*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; public class CarWashWithClass { public static void main(String[] args) { long invoiceNumber; String name; char serviceType, responseSUV; // responseDetailing; int numberOfPrevious; int numberOfVehicles = 0; double totalDiscount = 0.0, totalAmountDue = 0.0; DecimalFormat twodigits = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); CarWash service = null; invoiceNumber = getInvoiceNumber(); while (invoiceNumber > Long.MIN_VALUE) { name = getCustomerName(); serviceType = getValidType(); responseSUV = getSUVResponse(); numberOfPrevious = getPreviousService(); if (numberOfPrevious == 0) // check for new customer { service = new CarWash(); service.serviceForNewCustomer(invoiceNumber, name); } else { service = new CarWash(invoiceNumber,name); service.serviceForExistingCustomer(numberOfVehicles); } service.setSUV(responseSUV); //set whether SUV this has an error i dont know why JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invoice number: " + service.getInvoiceNumber() + "\nCustomer name: " + service.getName() + "\nType of service: " + service.typeOfServiceAsString() + "\nVehicle type: " + service.vehicleAsString() + "\nNumber of service: " + service.getnumberOfService() + "\nBasic cost: " + twodigits.format(service.basicCost()) + "\nSUV extra cost: " + twodigits.format(service.extraCostForSUV()) + "\nCost of service: " + twodigits.format(service.costOfService()) + "\nDiscount: " + twodigits.format(service.discountAmount()) + "\nAmount due: " + twodigits.format(service.amountDue()) + "\nServices to next free: " + service.numberTillNextFree()); numberOfVehicles++; totalDiscount += service.discountAmount(); totalAmountDue += service.amountDue(); invoiceNumber = getInvoiceNumber(); }//end while JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Number of cars washed: " + numberOfVehicles + "\nTotal discount: " + twodigits.format(totalDiscount) + "\nTotal amount: " + twodigits.format(totalAmountDue)); System.exit(0); } //end main public static long getInvoiceNumber() { long customerNumber; String inNumber; do { inNumber = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter invoice number:"); if (inNumber.equals("")) customerNumber = Long.MIN_VALUE; else { customerNumber = Long.parseLong(inNumber); if (!isValidNumber(customerNumber)) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invoice number must be positive", "Invalid Number", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } // end if } while (!isValidNumber(customerNumber)); return customerNumber; } // end getCustomerNumber public static boolean isValidNumber(long number) { return (number > 0 || number == Long.MIN_VALUE); } //end isValidNumber public static String getCustomerName() { String name; name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Customer name"); while (name.isEmpty()) { name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Name cannot be"); } return name; } public static char getValidType() { char serviceType; String inType; do { inType = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Type of wash:"); if (inType.equals("")) { serviceType = '\0'; } else { serviceType = inType.charAt(0); serviceType = Character.toUpperCase(serviceType); if (!isValidService(serviceType)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "No such service", "Invalid Service", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } //end if } while (!isValidService(serviceType)); return serviceType; } //end getValidType public static boolean isValidService(char serviceType) { boolean valid; switch (serviceType) { case 'T' : case 'W': case 'S': valid = true; break; default: valid = false; break; }// end switch return valid; } //end isValidService public static int getPreviousService() { int previousService; String inPrevious; inPrevious = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Number of previous services:"); previousService = Integer.parseInt(inPrevious); while (!isValidNumber(previousService)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Service must be between 0 and " + (CarWash.FREE_WASH - 1), "Invalid Number", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); inPrevious = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Number of previous services:"); previousService = Integer.parseInt(inPrevious); } //end while return previousService; }// end getPreviousService public static boolean isValidNumber(int numberOfService) { return (numberOfService >= 0 && numberOfService <= CarWash.FREE_WASH - 1); } // end isValidNumber public static char getSUVResponse() { char response; String inSUV; inSUV = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Is vehicle an SUV?"); response = inSUV.charAt(0); response = Character.toUpperCase(response); while (!isValidResponse(response)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please respons Y or N", "Invalid Number", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); inSUV = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Is vehicle an SUV?"); response = inSUV.charAt(0); response = Character.toUpperCase(response); } //end while return response; }// end getSUVResponse public static boolean isValidResponse(char response) { boolean valid; switch (response) { case 'Y' : case 'N': valid = true; break; default: valid = false; break; }// end switch return valid; } //end isValidResponse } // end class CarWashWithClass
here is CarWash the superclass
public class CarWash { final static double THE_WORKS_COST = 11.95; final static double WHEEL_WORKS_COST = 14.95; final static double SUPER_WORKS_COST = 17.95; final static double SUV_COST = 3.0; final static int FULL_COST_LIMIT = 5; final static int FREE_WASH = 10; final static double DISCOUNT_RATE = 0.05; private long invoiceNumber; private String customerName; protected double basicRate; protected int numberOfService; protected boolean whetherSUV; public CarWash() { } //end constructor public CarWash(long number, String name) { invoiceNumber = number; customerName = name; basicRate = 0; numberOfService = 0; whetherSUV = false; } public void serviceForNewCustomer(long number, String name) { invoiceNumber = number; customerName = name; basicRate = 0; numberOfService = 1; whetherSUV = false; } public void serviceForExistingCustomer(int previousServices) { if (previousServices == 10) numberOfService = 1; else numberOfService = previousServices + 1; basicRate = 0; whetherSUV = false; } public void setSUV() { whetherSUV = true; } public double basicCost() { return basicRate; } // end basicCost public double extraCostForSUV() { double extraCost; if (whetherSUV) { extraCost = SUV_COST; } else { extraCost = 0.0; } //end if return extraCost; }// end extraCostForSUV public double costOfService() { return basicCost() + extraCostForSUV(); } public double discountAmount() { double discount = 0.0; return discount; } //end discountAmount public double amountDue() { return costOfService() - discountAmount(); } //end amountDue public int numberTillNextFree() { int toNextService; if (numberOfService == FREE_WASH) toNextService = FREE_WASH; else toNextService = FREE_WASH - (numberOfService + 1); return toNextService; } //end numberToNextFree public String typeOfServiceAsString() { return " "; } // end typeOfService public String vehicleAsString() { String outSUV; if (whetherSUV) { outSUV = "SUV"; } else { outSUV = "Not SUV"; } //end if return outSUV; }// end isSUVString public long getInvoiceNumber() { return invoiceNumber; } //end getInvoiceNumber public String getName() { return customerName; } public double getRate() { return basicRate; } //end getServiceType public boolean isSUV() { return whetherSUV; } // end isVehicleSUV public int getnumberOfService() { return numberOfService; } // end getPreviousServices } // end class CarWash
here is WheelWorks subclass
-----public class WheelWorks extends CarWash { public WheelWorks() { }//end constructor public WheelWorks(long number, String name) { super(number, name); basicRate = WHEEL_WORKS_COST; numberOfService = 0; whetherSUV = false; } public void serviceForNewCustomer(long number, String name) { super.serviceForNewCustomer(number, name); basicRate = WHEEL_WORKS_COST; numberOfService = 1; whetherSUV = false; } public void serviceForExistingCustomer(long number, String name) { int previousServices = 0; if (previousServices >= 0 && previousServices<=9) basicRate = WHEEL_WORKS_COST; else if (previousServices == 10) numberOfService = previousServices + 1; whetherSUV = false; } public double discountAmount() { double discount; if (numberOfService < FREE_WASH) discount = DISCOUNT_RATE * costOfService(); //applies discount if number of serivce < 10 else if (numberOfService <= FULL_COST_LIMIT) { discount = 0.0; }//discount is 0 if number of service < 5 else { discount = costOfService(); } //end if return discount; } //end discountAmount public String typeOfVehicleAsString() { return "Wheel Works"; } }
-----public class SuperWorks extends CarWash { protected boolean detailing; public SuperWorks() { } public SuperWorks(long number, String name) { super(number, name); basicRate = SUPER_WORKS_COST; numberOfService = 0; whetherSUV = false; } public void serviceForNewCustomer(long number, String name) { super.serviceForNewCustomer(number, name); basicRate = SUPER_WORKS_COST; numberOfService = 0; whetherSUV = false; detailing = false; } public void serviceForExistingCustomer(long number, String name) { int previousServices = 0; if (previousServices >= 0 && previousServices<=9) basicRate = SUPER_WORKS_COST; else if (previousServices == 10) numberOfService = 0; whetherSUV = false; detailing = false; } public double discountAmount() { double discount; discount = 0.0; return discount; } //end discountAmount public String typeOfVehicleAsString() { return "Super Works"; } public int numberTillNextFree() { return 9999; //end numberToNextFree } public void setDetailing() { detailing = true; } public double detailingCost() { double cost; if (detailing = true) cost = 10.00; else cost = 0.0; return cost; } public double costOfService() { return basicCost() + extraCostForSUV() + detailingCost(); } }
--public class TheWorks extends CarWash { public TheWorks() { }//end constructor public TheWorks(long number,String name) { super(number, name); basicRate = THE_WORKS_COST; numberOfService = 0; whetherSUV = false; } public void serviceForNewCustomer(long number, String name) { super.serviceForNewCustomer(number, name); basicRate = THE_WORKS_COST; numberOfService = 1; whetherSUV = false; } public void serviceForExistingCustomer(long number, String name) { int previousServices = 0; if (previousServices >= 0 && previousServices<=9) basicRate = THE_WORKS_COST; else if (previousServices == 10) numberOfService = previousServices + 1; whetherSUV = false; } public double discountAmount() { double discount; if (numberOfService < FREE_WASH) discount = DISCOUNT_RATE * costOfService(); //applies discount if number of serivce < 10 else if (numberOfService <= FULL_COST_LIMIT) { discount = 0.0; }//discount is 0 if number of service < 5 else { discount = costOfService(); } //end if return discount; } //end discountAmount public String typeOfVehicleAsString() { return "The Works"; } // end typeOfService }
this project involves using inheritance and polymorphism and i know i did alot of things wrong
for one this is our 3rd project, but uses the same question from project 2 and project 1 but by doing it in different ways, the project 2 was using classes and objects i think, this one i have to use polymorphism
anyways i copied and pasted his MAIN of PROJECT 2 into PROJECT 3, i checked the prompt and it is pretty correct i blieve
however in the line of the main service.setsuv(responsesuv) it says i have an error because its changing it to a CHAR
also the discount and basic rate come out as 0, i can run the project when i add the parameter Char responsesuv to the superclass but i dont think that is the correct way