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Thread: Need help with creating penguin applet

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Smile Need help with creating penguin applet

    Hi. I got a project where I have to make an applet of any picture or object. I choose a penguin. I am basically almost done, however, I need help on how to create his beak and arms. I just need to know what method to use to make and set the arms and beak.

    For reference, I am trying to make this picture https://imgur.com/a/95E22Is

    This is the code

    import java.awt.*; // Imports art utils
    import javax.swing.*; //Imports program used to show graphics
    public class Penguin extends Canvas // Class name and allows class to be used elsewhere
      public static void main (String [] args) //Main method
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("Penguin"); //Creates a new JFrame (method used to display code)
        frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // Makes the code exit when the exit button is pressed
        Canvas canvas = new Penguin(); //Creates new canvas
        canvas.setSize(600, 600); //Sets canvas size
        canvas.setBackground(Color.cyan);//Sets canvas background
        frame.add(canvas);// Adds canvas to frame to show
        frame.setVisible(true); //Allows canvas to show
      public void paint(Graphics g) //Method used to create the graphics 
        //All declerations made here store a color in a variable through RGB values
        Color e = new Color ( 0,0,0);
        Color f = new Color ( 255, 153, 0);
        Color i = new Color ( 217, 217, 217);
        Color h = new Color ( 255, 255, 255);
        g.setColor (e); //Creates the penguins body
        g.fillOval (90,142, 400,400); 
        g.setColor (i); //Adds the penguins stomach and shadow
        g.fillOval (137,275, 305,260);
        g.setColor (h);
        g.fillOval (165,275, 250,250); 
        //Makes penguins feet
        g.setColor (f);
        g.fillOval (307,490, 190,75); 
        g.setColor (f);
        g.fillOval (90,490, 190,75);
        g.setColor (h); //Makes penguins eyes
        g.fillOval (190,152, 105,120); //Left eye
        g.setColor (h);
        g.fillOval (300,173, 135,100); //Right eye
        g.setColor (e);//Makes penguins pupils
        g.fillOval (304,205, 30,40);//Left pupil
        g.setColor (e);
        g.fillOval (245,190, 50,60); //Right pupil
      }//End of paint
    Last edited by shorba14; October 31st, 2020 at 01:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need help with creating penguin applet

    What shapes are needed to draw the arms and beak?

    Look at the drawPolygon method to draw custom shapes.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Norm For This Useful Post:

    shorba14 (October 31st, 2020)

  4. #3
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    Default Re: Need help with creating penguin applet

    I was thinking the arms could be right-angled triangles and the beak would be an equilateral with an arc on top. basically like the image I linked. ill use that method

  5. #4
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    Default Re: Need help with creating penguin applet

    yeah thanks i finished it now

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