I have a testing application which runs perfectly on the eclipse IDE. It was developed by an excolleagiue, so there is not much documentation.
Now it is said, that the same application could be executed in command line as well.
So, I export the jar, point the Main class and export it to the same directory as the project.
------------------SimpleJar.jar(inside directory)
------------------src(inside directory)
------------------bin(inside directory)
|-------------->package1 (inside bin)
|-------------->package2 (inside bin)
|------------->Main.class (inside package2)
The structure is as shown above.
My Main.class is programmed to take arguments.
So now, from the command line, I go to the directory.. I say java-jar SimpleJar.jar info, I expect to give a 2-3 line intodcution.
However i get a response like
Error: Unable to initialize main class testclient.Main
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/junit/runners/model/InitializationError
Another thing I did is, i moved to the bin folder and directly did the java Main.class info. Yet same error.
Please let me know