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Thread: Why my Java Project don't work?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Why my Java Project don't work?

    Hello to everybody, First, I present myself: I am a french, I live in Paris and right now I am doing a training in Java programming language here in Paris to become a Java developer.My first language speaking is french but I prefer studying Java in English because it's more complete and I like English language.
    Well I have a project in Java: Managing a bank account.It's written(the comments) in french but I try to translate in English.
    The IDE used is Eclipse.
    The fist java file is:
    import java.util.*;
    public class Projet {
     public static void main (String [] args) {
      byte choix;
      char typeCpte ='\0';
      double val_courante = 0.0, rate = 0.0;
      long numéroCpte = 0, numéroLu = 0 ;
      Scanner Clavier = new Scanner(System.in);
      System.out.println("                               WELCOME TO THE BANK.");
      System.out.println("1. Create an account");
      System.out.println("2. Viewing an Account");
      System.out.println("3. Write an accounting line");
      System.out.println("4.Log out");
      System.out.print("Your choise: ");
      choise = Clavier.nextByte();
      //Option 1
      System.out.print("Account type [Possible types : ");
      System.out.print("C(current), J(oint), E(savings)] :");
      typeCpte = Clavier.next().charAt(0);
      System.out.print("Account number :");
      numberCpte = Clavier.nextLong();
      System.out.print("First credited value  :");
      val_courante = Clavier.nextDouble();  //current value
      //If savings accout
      System.out.print("Placement rate :     ");
      rate = Clavier.nextDouble();
      //Option 2
      //asks the user to enter the account number to display
      System.out.print ( " Which account would you like to view ? : ");
      numberRead= Clavier.nextLong();
      //If the account number exists, 
      System.out.print("The account n° : " + numberCpte + " is an account ");
      // displays its rate in the case of a savings account.
      System.out.println("savings whose rate is " + taux);
      System.out.println("First credited value : " + val_courante);
      // Otherwise, it displays a message indicating that the account number is not valid.
      System.out.println("The system does not know the account " + numéroLu);
      //Option 3, the program displays "option not programmed"
      System.out.println("Option not programmed");
      //Option 4,  the program ends its execution
      System.out.println("Goodbye and see you soon");
      // System.exit(0) ;    
      // Option 5
      // the program displays an explanation line for each option
      // from the main menu.
      System.out.println("Option 1. To create a Current account enter C");
      System.out.println("          To create a Joint account enter J ");
      System.out.println("         To create a Savings account enter E");
      System.out.print("          Then, enter the account number, and"); 
      System.out.println(" its first credited value");
      System.out.println("          In the case of a savings account, enter the rate");
      System.out.println("Option 2. The system displays the data of the chosen account ");
      System.out.println("Option 3. Write an accounting line");
      System.out.println("Option 4. To exit the program");
      System.out.println("Option 5. To display help");

    The Account.java file is:
    package Projet;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Compte	{
     private String typeCpte ;
     protected double val_courante;
     private String numberCpte ;
     private LigneComptable []ligne;
     public static final int NBLigne = 10 ;
     private int nbLigneRéel ;  
      public Compte () 	{ 
            Scanner Clavier = new Scanner(System.in);
    	typeCpte = contrôleType();
    	System.out.print("Account number : ");
    	numéroCpte = Clavier.next();
    	val_courante = contrôleValinit();  
    	ligne = new LigneComptable[NBLigne];
    	nbLigneRéel = -1;
      public  Compte( String type)  {
            Scanner Clavier = new Scanner(System.in);
    	if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("Epargne")) {
    		typeCpte = type;
    		System.out.print("Account number : ");
    		numéroCpte = Clavier.next();
    		val_courante = contrôleValinit();   
    		ligne = new LigneComptable[NBLigne];
    		nbLigneRéel = -1;
      public String quelTypeDeCompte() 	{
    		return typeCpte;
      public String quelNuméroDeCompte()	{
    		return numberCpte;
      public double quelleValeurCourante()	{
    		return val_courante;//current value
      private String contrôleType()		{
                    Scanner Clavier = new Scanner(System.in);
    		char tmpc;
    		String tmpS = "";
    		do {
    				System.out.print("Account type [Types possibles :" ); 
    				System.out.print("C(ourant), J(oint)] : ");
    				tmpc = Clavier.next().charAt(0);
    		} while ( tmpc != 'C' && tmpc != 'J' );
    		switch (tmpc) {
    			case 'C' : tmpS = "Courant";
    			case 'J' : tmpS = "Joint";
    		return tmpS;
      private double contrôleValinit()	 {
                    Scanner Clavier = new Scanner(System.in);
    		double tmp, tmpval;
    		do {
    			System.out.print("Initial account value: ");
    			tmpval= Clavier.nextDouble();  
    		} while ( tmpval <= 0);
    		return tmpval;
      public void créerLigne() {
    		if (nbLigneRéel < NBLigne) 
    			ligne [nbLigneRéel] = new LigneComptable();
    		else {
    			ligne [nbLigneRéel] = new LigneComptable();
    		val_courante = val_courante + ligne[nbLigneRéel].quelleValeur();
      private void décalerLesLignes() {
    		for(int i = 1; i < NBLigne ; i++)
    		ligne[i-1] = ligne[i];
      public  void afficherCpte() {
    		System.out.print("The account n° : " + numéroCpte );
    		System.out.println(" Is an account "+typeCpte);
    		if (nbLigneRéel >=0) {
    			for (int i = 0; i <= nbLigneRéel; i++) ligne[i].afficherLigne();
    		System.out.println("Valeur courante : " + val_courante);
    		if (val_courante < 0) System.out.println("Attention debtor account ... !!!");

    The file LigneComptable.java is:

    package projet;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class LigneComptable {
    	private double valeur;
    	private String date;
    	private String motif;
    	private String mode;
    	public LigneComptable()	{
                    Scanner Clavier = new Scanner(System.in);
    		System.out.print("Entrer la valeur à créditer (+) ou débiter (-) : ");
    		valeur = Clavier.nextDouble();
    		System.out.print("Date de l'opération [jj/mm/an] ");
    		date = Clavier.next();
    		motif = contrôleMotif();
    		mode = contrôleMode();
    	private String contrôleMode() {
                    Scanner Clavier = new Scanner(System.in);
    		String tmpS = "";
    		char tmpc ;
    		do {
    			System.out.print("Mode [C(B), N(° Cheque), V(irement ) ]  : ");
    			tmpc = Clavier.next().charAt(0);
    		} while ( tmpc != 'C' && tmpc != 'N' && tmpc != 'V');
    		switch (tmpc) {
    			case 'C' : tmpS = "CB";
    			case 'N' : tmpS = "Cheque";
    			case 'V' : tmpS = "Virement";
    		return tmpS;
    	private String contrôleMotif() {
                    Scanner Clavier = new Scanner(System.in);
    		String tmpS = "";
    		char tmpc ;
    		do {
    			System.out.print("Motif de l'operation [S(alaire),");
    			System.out.print(" L(oyer), A(limenation), D(ivers)] : ");
    			tmpc = Clavier.next().charAt(0);
    		} while ( tmpc != 'S' && tmpc != 'L' && tmpc != 'A' && tmpc != 'D');
    		switch (tmpc) {
    			case 'S' : tmpS = "Salaire";
    			case 'L' : tmpS = "Loyer";
    			case 'A' : tmpS = "Alimentation";
    			case 'D' : tmpS = "Divers";
    		return tmpS;
    	public double quelleValeur() {
    		return valeur ;
    	public String quelMotif(){
    		return motif ;
    	public String quelMode(){
    		return mode ;
    	public String quelleDate(){
    		return date ;
    	public void afficherLigne()  {
    		if (valeur < 0) 
    		System.out.print("Débiter : "+valeur);
        	System.out.print("Créditer : "+valeur);
    		System.out.println(" le : "+ date +" motif  : " +motif+ " mode : "+mode);
    When I execute the Projet.java I obtain:

    1. Create an account
    2. Viewing an Account;
    3. Write an accounting line
    4.Log out
    Your choice : when I enter 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 I obtain always the same message:
    Votre choix : 2
    Type of account [ possible Types : C(current), J(joint), E(Saving)] :
    What is wrong with those programs.Thank you in advance for your help.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why my Java Project don't work?

    Where does the program print this line? I do not see it?
    Votre choix : 2
    One possible problem is there should only be one Scanner that uses System.in. All the code should use that one Scanner.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Why my Java Project don't work?

    Fisrt, thank you for your answer.
    When I type 2, I obtain the same message as when I type 1:
    Type of account [ possible Types : C(current), J(joint), E(Saving)] :

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why my Java Project don't work?

    The posted code has many compiler errors that need to be fixed so that the code can be compiled and executed for testing.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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