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Thread: Problem with nested switch code.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Problem with nested switch code.

    I can't understand why the runtime appears to be completely ignoring the nested switch (act). I run the program and everything else runs fine but it's as if that part of the code isn't even there. It gets as far as the test code in the first switch (clr) case '3': but for some reason, no further.

    Console follows the code.

    // an easy to use program to hold snooker match scores and feed detailed statistics to the user
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class SnookerStats{
    // interface to take points for player if ball is potted---------------------------------------
    interface Score{                             // top level interface class for colour selection
       public abstract int take(int point);               // abstract method
    // interface to give points to other player if ball is fouled---------------------------------
    interface Foul{                              // interface for points for fouls
       public abstract int give(int point);
    static class GreenClass implements Score, Foul{
       public int take(int point){                // method to return point value for green ball potted
          int r = point + 3;
          return r; 
       public int give(int point){
          int r = 4;
          return r;
       public static void main(String args[]){
          Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
          int temp, brk=0;                                              // temp holds number of frames, brk holds current break tally
          int [][] blsprfrm;                                          // 2D array for each ball per frame
          int wht, ylw, grn, brw, blu, pnk, blk;                      // argument to count number of balls potted
          int scwht, scylw, scgrn, scbrw, scblu, scpnk, scblk;        // if potted, collects score, if fouled, collects points for other player
          boolean active1 = false, active2 = true;                    // active break yes or no
          char clr, act;                                              // option variables to hold colour and action upon colour
          Score green = new GreenClass(); 
          // request number of frames from user 
          System.out.println("Number of frames to play: ");
          temp = sc.nextInt();
          // multidemensional array _ balls potted per frame
          blsprfrm = new int [temp][7];          // temp collects number of frames from user, 7 is number of ball types on table
          System.out.println("Number of frames to play: " + blsprfrm.length);
          System.out.println("Number of ball types on table: " + blsprfrm[0].length); 
          // ask which ball player is striking
          System.out.println("Select colour:\n1 : White\n2 : Yellow\n3 : Green\n4 : Brown\n5 : Blue\n6 : Pink\n7 : Black ");
          clr = sc.next().charAt(0);
          // player pot or safety
          System.out.println("Select from the following options:\nP : Pot\nM : Miss\nS : Safety\nF : Foul");
          act = sc.next().charAt(0);
          System.out.println("Colour selected: "+ clr);
          System.out.println("Action selected: "+ act);
          switch (clr){
             case '3':
                System.out.println("Green ball selected.");
                switch (act){
                   case 'P':
                      brk = green.take(brk);
                      System.out.println("Points for green ball: "+ brk);    

    Number of frames to play: 
    Number of frames to play: 3
    Number of ball types on table: 7
    Select colour:
    1 : White
    2 : Yellow
    3 : Green
    4 : Brown
    5 : Blue
    6 : Pink
    7 : Black 
    Select from the following options:
    P : Pot
    M : Miss
    S : Safety
    F : Foul
    Colour selected: 3
    Action selected: p
    Green ball selected.

    --- Update ---

    Rookie error.

    I know switch cases are case sensetive but I mistakingly thought that I had tested that.

    It was a higher capital P in the case condition.
    Last edited by FightingIrishman; January 11th, 2022 at 03:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problem with nested switch code.

    What do you expect to happen after the message: Green ball selected. is printed?
    What values in what variables do you expect to control the program's execution flow?
    Do those variables have the expected values?

    The switch statements' default case is very useful to catch unexpected values. Add a default: to all the switch statements and have a print statement print out the value of the variable with the unexpected value. EG clr and act
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Problem with nested switch code.

    Green ball selected is just test code. The case of ball selection does nothing until an action for that ball is selected in the nested switch. I'm going to use a default case for error messages in the switch statement.

    I'm using two Interface classes called Score and Foul. Potting a ball will take the value of the overriding method for that particular ball colour while fouling that ball colour will override the Foul Interface and give points to the opponent instead. I'm doing it with interface classes for practise but I assume that final int variables for holding the value of each ball colour and the value for each foul would be cleaner code, would that be right?

    I don't know if you're familiar with the game of snooker for this to make sense, but when the points scored go past 74, I'm going to make a request to the player with least points to concede or not, then I'm thinking that another boolean variable alternating between true and false can alternate between player 1 and player 2 for me with an if else structure. Does that seem practical?

    I thought a snooker scoreboard would be an easy application but it's quite deep when I get into it. In my mind I would hope to have it run with only 3 or 4 buttons on a smart phone and still provide rich content but we shall see.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problem with nested switch code.

    final int variables for holding the value of
    Yes that is one way.
    Another is to use an enum

    boolean variable alternating between true and false
    Yes that could work.
    To flip a boolean use the ! operator: bool1 = !bool1; // flip the boolean
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Problem with nested switch code.

    Another is to use an enum.
    I haven't come across enum yet but it's ahead of me in the book I'm reading.

    To flip a boolean use the ! operator: bool1 = !bool1; // flip the boolean
    Handy. Cheers!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Problem with nested switch code.

    To rectify the issue, ensure that the case in your switch statement matches the input exactly. Since 'act' is 'p', the case condition in the switch statement should also be 'p':

    switch (act){
    case 'p':
    brk = green.take(brk);
    System.out.println("Points for green ball: "+ brk);

    This adjustment should help you overcome the hurdle in your Java assignment, allowing the nested switch statement to execute correctly. If you encounter further challenges or require help with programming assignment, seeking guidance from resources like ProgrammingHomeworkHelp.com can provide valuable insights and support.

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