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Thread: Neural Network method not working

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Neural Network method not working

    I'm currently trying to make a neural network in java. Most of my code is working, but for some reason the network isn't learning.

    I'm having problems implementing backpropagation in the neural net and I don't really understand how to use backpropagation. Could anyone explain it to me?
    Here's the code.

    Is there a better way to create a neural network than the way I'm using?

    (also, this is my first time using this forum, so sorry if i'm not doing it right.)

    import java.lang.Math;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Scanner;

    class Network {

    static class Neuron {
    double value;
    double weight;
    int[] connections;
    int x, y;
    double bias;

    public Neuron(double pvalue, double pweight, int[] pconnections, int px, int py, double pbias) {
    value = pvalue;
    weight = pweight;
    connections = pconnections;
    x = px;
    y = py;
    bias = pbias;

    // activation methods:

    static double sigmoid(double x) {
    return 1/(1+(Math.exp(-x)));
    static int binaryStep(double x) {
    return (x >= 0) ? 1 : 0;
    static double linear(double x) {
    return x;
    static double rectifiedLinearUnit(double x) {
    return Math.max(x, 0);
    static double tanh(double x) {
    return Math.tanh(x);

    // activation method derivatives:

    static double dsigmoid(double x) {
    return sigmoid(x) * (1 / sigmoid(x));

    // error methods:

    static double meanSquaredError(double result, double answer) {
    return Math.pow(answer-result, 2);
    static double error(double result, double answer) {
    return answer - result;

    // goal methods:

    static double averageOf(ArrayList<Double> inputs) { // average
    double sum = 0;
    for (double i : inputs) {
    sum += i;
    return sum/inputs.size();
    static double timesTwo(double x) {
    return 2 * x;

    double learningRate = 0.1;

    Neuron[] output;
    Neuron[] input;

    double error;
    double desiredValue;
    double predictedValue;

    Neuron[][] neurons;

    public Network(Neuron[][] pneurons) {
    neurons = pneurons;

    public void step(int iterationcount) { // actual step function
    for (int count = 0; count < iterationcount; ++count) {
    // forward pass
    for (int i = 1; i < neurons.length; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < neurons[i].length; ++j) { // sums
    Neuron neuron = neurons[i][j];
    double sum = 0;
    for (int l : neuron.connections) {
    Neuron connectedneuron = neurons[i-1][l];
    sum += connectedneuron.value * connectedneuron.weight;
    neuron.value = sigmoid(sum + neuron.bias);

    input = neurons[0]; // input neurons
    output = neurons[neurons.length-1]; // output neurons

    desiredValue = input[0].value + input[1].value; // change these accordingly
    predictedValue = output[0].value;

    error = meanSquaredError(predictedValue, desiredValue);

    // backwards pass
    for (int i = neurons.length - 1; i > -1; --i) {
    for (int j = neurons[i].length - 1; j > -1; --j) {
    Neuron neuron = neurons[i][j];
    for (int l : neuron.connections) {
    Neuron connectedneuron = neurons[i-1][l];
    double z = connectedneuron.weight * neuron.value; // + bias here
    double cost = Math.pow(connectedneuron.value - desiredValue, 2);
    double asdf = neuron.value * dsigmoid(z) * 2 * cost;
    connectedneuron.weight -= asdf;

    String placeholder = "input(s): ";
    for (Neuron i : input) {
    placeholder += i.value + ", ";

    placeholder = "output(s): ";
    for (Neuron i : output) {
    placeholder += i.value + ", ";

    System.out.println("correct answer: " + desiredValue);
    System.out.println("error: " + error);
    System.out.println(neurons[0][0].weight + ", " + neurons[0][1].weight);

    // resetting the values...
    for (int i = 0; i < neurons.length; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < neurons[i].length; ++j) {
    neurons[i][j].value = 0;

    // we randomize (or give training data to) the inputs here.
    for (int i = 0; i < neurons[0].length; ++i) {
    neurons[0][i].value = Math.random(); // training data here

    public class NeuralNetwork {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Network.Neuron input1 = new Network.Neuron(3, Math.random(), new int[] {}, 0, 0, 0);
    Network.Neuron input2 = new Network.Neuron(2, Math.random(), new int[] {}, 0, 1, 0);

    Network.Neuron neuron1 = new Network.Neuron(0, Math.random(), new int[] {0, 1}, 1, 0, 0);
    Network.Neuron neuron2 = new Network.Neuron(0, Math.random(), new int[] {0, 1}, 1, 1, 0);

    Network.Neuron neuron3 = new Network.Neuron(0, Math.random(), new int[] {0, 1}, 2, 0, 0);
    Network.Neuron neuron4 = new Network.Neuron(0, Math.random(), new int[] {0, 1}, 2, 1, 0);

    Network.Neuron output1 = new Network.Neuron(0, 0, new int[] {0, 1}, 3, 0, 0); // connections don't matter with output neurons.

    Network neuralNetwork1 = new Network(new Network.Neuron[][] {
    new Network.Neuron[] {input1, input2},
    new Network.Neuron[] {neuron1, neuron2},
    new Network.Neuron[] {neuron3, neuron4},
    new Network.Neuron[] {output1}


  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Neural Network method not working

    Please explain what backpropagation means. It is not a normal java programming term.

    Please edit your post and wrap your code with code tags:


    to get highlighting and preserve formatting.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Neural Network method not working

    He is talking about this


    I've written that kind of code before. It roughly looks right but the devil is in the details. My guess though there is a mistake in your formula, sometimes the symptom is that it doesn't learn at all but the most insidious thing is when it learns but learns slowly and not very well. I would also look at that learningRate. It's important that it not be too high or too low.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to PaulHoule For This Useful Post:

    Norm (April 12th, 2022)

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