im working on some project, and cant solve this Airport class I've been making, this class is working with two other classes written, Time1 and Flight, for some reason i can't figure this out, and it's not working at all...
kinda urgent ill be glad for help ASAP
ill be adding the other 2 classes as attachments.
this is the Airport class:
/** * This program Represents an airport of Flights objects * version 16422 */ public class Airport { final int MAX_FLIGHTS = 200; final int MIN_VAL=0; private String _city; private Flight[] _flightsSchedule = new Flight[MAX_FLIGHTS]; private int _noOfFlights; /** * Constructor for an airport object * Sets the selected city to be the airport destination * Sets the number of flight to zero as default * param city The city wich the airport will be * */ public Airport(String city){ _city = city; _noOfFlights = MIN_VAL; _flightsSchedule =new Flight[MAX_FLIGHTS]; } /** * returns a boolean expression for adding a Flight object,the method get a FLIGHT as perimeter. * param f The flight to add to the airport. * return True if the flight added. */ public boolean addFlight(Flight f){ boolean flag = false; if(_noOfFlights>=MAX_FLIGHTS){ return flag; }else{ //String orig="",dest=""; //int depH=0,depM=0,dur=0,numP=0,price=0; _flightsSchedule[_noOfFlights]=new Flight(f); flag = true; _noOfFlights++; return flag; } } /** * Removes a Flight wich selected from the currect array. * param f The flight to remove. * return True if deleted. */ public boolean removeFlight(Flight f){ boolean flag = false; for (int i = 0 ; i < _flightsSchedule.length; i++) { if (f.equals(_flightsSchedule[i])) {//found the flight to remove for(int j = i;j<_noOfFlights-1;j++)//move the rest of the array 1 step back _flightsSchedule[j]=_flightsSchedule[j+1]; _flightsSchedule[_noOfFlights-1]=null; _noOfFlights--; flag = true; } } return flag; } /** * Returns the first flight at the same day from selected city * If ther are no flights from a selected city, Null returned. * param place The city to check the first flight from. * return The time the the first flight departures. */ public Time1 firstFlightFromOrigin (String place){ Time1 temp; int y = 0; while(!_flightsSchedule[y].getOrigin().equals(place)){ y++; } if(y==_noOfFlights){ return null; } temp = _flightsSchedule[y].getDeparture(); for(int i=y+1;i<_noOfFlights;i++){ if(_flightsSchedule[i].getOrigin().equals(place) && _flightsSchedule[i].getDeparture().before(temp)) temp = _flightsSchedule[i].getDeparture(); } return temp; } /** * Return a string representation of all flight in the airport (for example: "Flight from Tel-Aviv to London departs at 12:00. Flight is full."). * return String representation of all flight in the airport. */ public String toString(){ String orig=""; String dest=""; Time1 dep; String print = ""; // flight not is Full if (_noOfFlights == 0){ print = null; }else if(_noOfFlights == MAX_FLIGHTS){ print = " flight is Full"; }else{ print = " flight is not Full"; } System.out.print("The flights for airport "+ _city+" today are: "+"/n"); //" to "+_destination+ " departs at "+_departure+ isFull; for(int i=0;i<_noOfFlights;i++){ if(_flightsSchedule[i].equals(_city)){ orig = _flightsSchedule[i].getOrigin(); dest = _flightsSchedule[i].getDestination(); dep = _flightsSchedule[i].getDeparture(); System.out.println("Flight from "+orig+" to "+dest+" departs at "+"/n"); } } return "Flight from "+orig+" to "+dest+" departs at "+"/n"; } /** * Returns the number of full flight in the airport at the same day * return The numebr of full flights */ public int howManyFullFlights(){ int fullF=0;//the number of full flight in the array for(int i=0;i<_flightsSchedule.length;i++){ if (_flightsSchedule[i].getIsFull()==true){ fullFli++; } } return fullFli; } /** * Returns the number of flights departures from a selected city and lands at airport, and from the airport to the selected city. * param city The city to check flight from airport. * return the number of flights between a selected city and the airport. */ public int howManyFlightsBetween (String city){ city=_city; int count = 0; for(int i=0;i<_flightsSchedule.length;i++){ if(_flightsSchedule[i].getOrigin().equals(city)){ count++; } } return count; } /** * Returns a string representation of the most popular city. (the city that most flights lands at) * return the most popular destination. */ public String mostPopularDestination(){ String temp=""; int count =0,ind=0; for(int i=0;i<_flightsSchedule.length;i++){ temp = _flightsSchedule[i].getDestination(); if(_flightsSchedule[i+1].getDestination().equals(temp)){ count++; ind=i; temp = _flightsSchedule[i].getDestination(); } } return new Flight(_flightsSchedule[ind]).getDestination(); } /** * Return the Flight that wich ticket is most expensive, if ther is no flights in the airport, returns Null. * return Most expensive Flight. */ public Flight mostExpensiveTicket(){ if(_noOfFlights==MIN_VAL){ return null; }else{ int big=0; int ind=0; for(int i=0;i<_flightsSchedule.length;i++){ if(_flightsSchedule[i].getPrice()>big){ big=_flightsSchedule[i].getPrice(); ind = i; } } return new Flight(_flightsSchedule[ind]); } } /** * Return the longest flight in the airport, if ther is no flights in the airport, returns Null. * return Longest flight. */ public Flight longestFlight(){ int temp=0,count=0; if(_noOfFlights==MIN_VAL){ return null; }else{ for(int i=0;i<_flightsSchedule.length;i++){ if(_flightsSchedule[i].getFlightDuration()>temp) count=i; } } return new Flight(_flightsSchedule[count]); } }
/** * This class represent time */ public class Time1 { private int _hour; private int _minute; public final int MIN_VAL = 0; public final int MIN_IN_HOUR = 60; public final int MAX_M_BOUND = 59; public final int MAX_H_BOUND = 23; /** * Initialize an instance of Time and check for illegal input * If one of the inputs is illegal, it sets it to 0 as default * param Hour the new hour * param Minute the new minutes */ public Time1 (int h, int m) { if (h >= MIN_VAL && h <= MAX_H_BOUND) _hour=h; else if (h < MIN_VAL && h > MAX_H_BOUND) _hour=MIN_VAL; if (m >= MIN_VAL && m <= MAX_M_BOUND) _minute=m; else if (m < MIN_VAL && m > MAX_M_BOUND) _minute=MIN_VAL; } /** * Copy Constructor * Initialize an instance of Time identical to the given Time * param other The Time to copy */ public Time1 (Time1 other) { _hour = other._hour; _minute = other._minute; } /** * Return the hour from selected Time * param return Hour */ public int getHour() { return _hour; } /** * Return the minutes from selected Time * param return Minute */ public int getMinute() { return _minute; } /** * Sets a new Hour for selected Time object * checks for legal inputs, if not, the hours dosent update * param The new Hour */ public void setHour(int num) { if (num >= MIN_VAL && num <= MAX_H_BOUND) _hour = num; } /** * Sets a new Minute for selected Time object * checks for legal inputs, if not, the minutes dosent update * param The new Minute */ public void setMinute(int num) { if (num >= MIN_VAL && num <= MAX_M_BOUND) _minute = num; } /** * Returns a string representation of the Time object * hh:mm format */ public String toString() { final int MAX_TIME_FOR_ZERO = 10; String temp = ""; String temp1 = ""; if (_hour < MAX_TIME_FOR_ZERO) temp = "0"; if (_minute < MAX_TIME_FOR_ZERO) temp1 = "0"; return temp + _hour + ":" + temp1 + _minute; } /** * Calculates the minutes from midnight (00:00) for selected time * return The number of minutes */ public int minFromMidnight() { int minute = (_hour*MIN_IN_HOUR) + _minute; return minute; } /** * Return true if the given Time is identical to the current Time(minutes & hour), otherwise false * return True if the given Time is identical to the current Time, otherwise false */ public boolean equals (Time1 other) { return this._hour == other._hour && this._minute == other._minute; } /** * Return true if selected time object is before other, otherwise false. * return true if this time before another. */ public boolean before (Time1 other) { return this.getHour() < other.getHour() && this.getMinute() < other.getMinute(); } /** * Return true if selected time object is after other, otherwise false. * return true if this time after another. */ public boolean after (Time1 other) { return other.before(this); } /** * Returns the diffrence in minute between 2 time objects * return the diffrence number of minute from a given object to another */ public int difference(Time1 other) { int diff = (this._hour*MIN_IN_HOUR) + _minute; int diff2 = (other._hour*MIN_IN_HOUR) + other._minute; return Math.abs(diff - diff2); } /** * Add a number of minute to a selected time and return a new object of Time * With an updated values * return New time object with given values */ public Time1 addMinutes(int num) { int minInDay = 1440; // Minutes in a full day (24 * 60 ) int newMinutes = minFromMidnight() + num; newMinutes = newMinutes % minInDay; if(newMinutes < MIN_VAL) { newMinutes = minInDay + newMinutes; } return new Time1(newMinutes/MIN_IN_HOUR, newMinutes%MIN_IN_HOUR); } }
--- Update ---
public class Flight { private String _origin; private String _destination; private Time1 _departure; private int _flightDuration; private int _noOfPassengers; private boolean _isFull; private int _price; public final int MAX_CAPACITY =250; public final int MIN_VAL = 0; /** * Constructor for a Flight object * Checks for illegal inputs, sets to zero if illegal */ public Flight// (String orig, String dest, int depH,int depM,int dur, int numP,int price) { _origin = orig; _destination = dest; _flightDuration = dur; if(numP > MAX_CAPACITY){ numP = MAX_CAPACITY; } else if (numP < MIN_VAL){ numP = MIN_VAL; } else{ _noOfPassengers = numP; } if (_noOfPassengers >= MAX_CAPACITY){ _isFull = true; dur = (dur<MIN_VAL)?MIN_VAL:_flightDuration; _price = (price<MIN_VAL)?MIN_VAL:price; //_departure = new Time1(depH, depM); } public Flight(Flight other) { this._origin=other._origin; this._destination=other._destination; this._departure=other._departure; this._flightDuration=other._flightDuration; this._noOfPassengers=other._noOfPassengers; this._isFull=other._isFull; this._price=other._price; } public String getOrigin() { return _origin; } public String getDestination() { return _destination; } public Time1 getDeparture() { return new Time1(_departure); } public int getFlightDuration() { return _flightDuration; } public int getNoOfPassengers() { return _noOfPassengers; } public boolean getIsFull() { return _isFull; } public int getPrice() { return _price; } public void setOrigin(String origin) { if (origin.equals("")) _origin = _origin; else _origin = origin; } public void setDestination(String destination) { if (destination.equals("")) _destination = _destination; else _destination = destination; } public void setDeparture(Time1 departureTime) { _departure = new Time1(departureTime); } /** * Changes the flight duration in minutes * If the parameter is negative the duration time will remain unchanged. * param durTimeMinutes - The flight's new duration time. */ public void setFlightDuration(int durTimeMinutes) { if(durTimeMinutes>MIN_VAL) _flightDuration=durTimeMinutes; } public void setNoOfPassengers(int noOfPass) { if (noOfPass>=0 && noOfPass<=MAX_CAPACITY) _noOfPassengers = noOfPass; } public void setPrice(int price) { if(price >=MIN_VAL) _price = price; } public boolean equals(Flight other) { return _origin.equals(other._origin)&& _destination.equals(other._destination)&& _departure==other._departure; } public Time1 getArrivalTime() { return _departure.addMinutes(_flightDuration); } public boolean addPassengers(int num) { boolean added = true; if((_noOfPassengers+num) > MAX_CAPACITY){ _noOfPassengers = _noOfPassengers; added = false; }else if((_noOfPassengers+num) <= MAX_CAPACITY){ _noOfPassengers += num; _isFull = _noOfPassengers == MAX_CAPACITY; added = true; } return added; } public boolean isCheaper(Flight other) { return this._price<other._price; } public int totalPrice() { return this._price * _noOfPassengers; } public boolean landsEarlier(Flight other) { return this.getArrivalTime().before(other.getArrivalTime()); } public String toString() { String isFull = ""; // flight not is Full if (_isFull != true){ isFull = " Flight is not full"; }else{ isFull = " flight is Full"; } return "Flight from "+ _origin+ " to "+_destination+ " departs at "+_departure+ isFull; } }