I am trying to make a Chain Rxn clone and I have ran into an impass!
Here's the original game: Chain Rxn by Zwigglers.
So the problem that I have is with the hit detection. If you go to the contactIsMadeWith in the Dot class it should return true in the play method of the Grid class, but when I run the program the current dot immediately explodes despite the condition that should prevent it from exploding.
public boolean contactIsMadeWith(Dot other) { Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(); r1.setBounds(this.myPoint.x, this.myPoint.y, sizeX, sizeY); Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle(); r2.setBounds(other.myPoint.x, other.myPoint.y, other.sizeX, other.sizeY); return r1.intersects(r2); }
So I know that contactIsMadeWith (above^^) is returning false yet in the code below it is returning true and exploding the dot when I don't want it to.
if (contact && !dotsOnScreen.get(i).hasExploded()); { dotsOnScreen.get(i).explode(); }
Please ask me any questions if I am not being clear!
This is the Dot class code:
/* * Alan Reeve * * dots are the main actor in this game * each dot has: sound, color, direction, movement, action, value, and time * */ package grid; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Random; import sun.audio.AudioData; import sun.audio.AudioDataStream; import sun.audio.AudioPlayer; import sun.audio.AudioStream; public class Dot { private int myDirection, myValue; public int sizeX, sizeY; private final int NE = 1; private final int SE = 2; private final int SW = 3; private final int NW = 4; private Color myColor; public Point myPoint; public boolean exploded = false; public boolean thereIsContact = false; private Timer timer = new Timer(); private Random gen = new Random(); private int[] dirs = {NE, SE, SW, NW}; private Color[] colors = {new Color(60, 179, 113), new Color(64, 224, 208), new Color(244, 164, 96), new Color(132, 112, 255), new Color(238, 220, 130)}; static AudioPlayer MGP = AudioPlayer.player; static AudioStream SFX, BGM; static AudioData MD, MD1; static AudioDataStream once = null; public Dot() { myDirection = dirs[gen.nextInt(4)]; myPoint = new Point(gen.nextInt(600), gen.nextInt(400)); myColor = colors[gen.nextInt(5)]; sizeX = 5; sizeY = 5; } public Dot(int x, int y) { myPoint = new Point(x, y); sizeX = 40; sizeY = 40; } public void act() { if (timer.getSeconds() > 5) { timer.Stop(); remove(); } } public void explode() { System.out.println("wtf it was false"); //timer.Start(); sizeX = 40; sizeY = 40; exploded = true; for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { if (colors[i] == myColor) { playSound("tone" + i); } } } public void move() { // System.out.println("move begin"); if (exploded == false) { if (myPoint.x <= 0 || myPoint.x >= (585) || myPoint.y <= 0 || myPoint.y >= (360)) { turn(); } switch (myDirection) { case 1: // System.out.println("northeast"); myPoint.x++; myPoint.y--; break; case 2: // System.out.println("southeast"); myPoint.x++; myPoint.y++; break; case 3: // System.out.println("southwest"); myPoint.x--; myPoint.y++; break; case 4: // System.out.println("northwest"); myPoint.x--; myPoint.y--; break; } // System.out.println("move end"); } } public void remove() { myPoint = null; } public Color getColor() { return myColor; } public int getWidth() { return sizeX; } public int getHeight() { return sizeY; } public int getX() { return myPoint.x; } public int getY() { return myPoint.y; } public boolean contactIsMadeWith(Dot other) { Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(); r1.setBounds(this.myPoint.x, this.myPoint.y, sizeX, sizeY); Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle(); r2.setBounds(other.myPoint.x, other.myPoint.y, other.sizeX, other.sizeY); return r1.intersects(r2); } public boolean hasExploded() { System.out.println("EXPLODED: " + exploded); return exploded; } // -private methods-// private void turn() { // System.out.println("turn begin"); switch (myDirection) { case 1: if (myPoint.y <= 0) { myDirection = SE; } else { myDirection = NW; } break; case 2: if (myPoint.x <= 585) { myDirection = SW; } else { myDirection = NW; } break; case 3: if (myPoint.x <= 0) { myDirection = SE; } else { myDirection = NW; } break; case 4: if (myPoint.y <= 0) { myDirection = SW; } else { myDirection = NE; } break; } } private void playSound(String soundFile) { try { SFX = new AudioStream(new FileInputStream("src/sounds/" + soundFile + ".wav")); MD = SFX.getData(); once = new AudioDataStream(MD); } catch (IOException error) { System.out.println("File not found!"); } MGP.start(once); System.out.println("play sound " + soundFile); } }
This the Grid class code:
/* * Alan Reeve * * Create a jpanel that acts as the grid * */ package grid; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Grid extends JPanel { public int width = 600; public int height = 400; private int mouseX, mouseY; public int diffScreenX, diffScreenY; private int triX = 500; private int triN = 520; private int tri2X = 525; private int tri2N = 545; private ArrayList<Dot> dotsOnScreen = new ArrayList<Dot>(); private boolean[] dotsExploded; public int numDots = 1; private boolean threadSuspended, userPressed; private boolean contact = false; private boolean notYetPressed = true; private boolean firstLevel = true; private boolean startScreen = true; private boolean goingRight = false; private Dot userDot; public Grid() { } public void init() { System.out.println("init begin"); addMouseListener(new MouseListener() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { if (!startScreen) { if (notYetPressed == true) { mouseX = e.getX(); mouseY = e.getY(); userDot = new Dot(mouseX, mouseY); userPressed = true; notYetPressed = false; repaint(); } } if (startScreen) { startScreen = false; repaint(); } } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { } }); for (int i = 0; i < numDots; i++) { dotsOnScreen.add(i, new Dot()); } play(); System.out.println("init end"); } public void stop() { threadSuspended = true; } @SuppressWarnings("empty-statement") public void play() { System.out.println("play begin"); while (true) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------// if (startScreen) { if (goingRight) { triX++; triN++; tri2X++; tri2N++; if (triX >= 510) { goingRight = false; } } else if (!goingRight) { triX--; triN--; tri2X--; tri2N--; if (triX <= 500) { goingRight = true; try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { ; } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------// for (int i = 0; i < dotsOnScreen.size(); i++) { if (notYetPressed == false) { contact = dotsOnScreen.get(i).contactIsMadeWith(userDot); if (contact && !dotsOnScreen.get(i).hasExploded()); { dotsOnScreen.get(i).explode(); } } dotsOnScreen.get(i).move(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------// repaint(); try { Thread.sleep(15); } catch (InterruptedException e) { ; } } } // public boolean contactMADE(int index) { // System.out.println("CONTACT ::::::::::: " + dotsOnScreen.get(index).contactIsMadeWith(userDot)); // // return dotsOnScreen.get(index).contactIsMadeWith(userDot); // // // // } @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); //------------------------------------------------------------------------// if (startScreen) { g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillOval(70, 90, 60, 60); g.setColor(new Color(132, 112, 255)); g.fillOval(50, 115, 50, 50); g.setColor(Color.yellow); g.fillOval(85, 135, 35, 35); g.setColor(Color.white); Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 70); g.setFont(font); g.drawString("Chain Rxn", 140, 200); Polygon tri = new Polygon(); tri.addPoint(triX, 160); tri.addPoint(triX, 200); tri.addPoint(triN, 180); Polygon tri2 = new Polygon(); tri2.addPoint(tri2X, 160); tri2.addPoint(tri2X, 200); tri2.addPoint(tri2N, 180); g.fillPolygon(tri); g.fillPolygon(tri2); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------// if (!startScreen) { if (firstLevel) { g.setFont(null); g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawString("Explode 1 ball", 10, 20); } for (int i = 0; i < dotsOnScreen.size(); i++) { g.setColor(dotsOnScreen.get(i).getColor()); g.fillOval(dotsOnScreen.get(i).myPoint.x, dotsOnScreen.get(i).myPoint.y, dotsOnScreen.get(i).getWidth(), dotsOnScreen.get(i).getHeight()); } // following mouse if (notYetPressed == true) { g.setColor(Color.gray); g.fillOval(MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation().x - diffScreenX, MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation().y - diffScreenY, 40, 40); } // when mosue is pressed if (userPressed) { g.setColor(Color.gray); g.fillOval(mouseX - 20, mouseY - 20, 40, 40); } } } }