Hello. I just wandering on how to convert C++ code to Java since I have an assignment in converting this C++ Code to Java. Please help me thanks. I also need to study the difference in the implementation of the code in C++ and Java hehe. #javabegginer

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

struct StudentGrade
int quiz1;
int quiz2;
int midterm;
int final;
int total;
string firstName;
string lastName;
double percent, avg;
char letterGrade;

void getData(StudentGrade& g);
void setLetterGrade(StudentGrade& g);
void format(int n);

#define W(i) setw(17)
#define Y(i) setw(10)

int main()
char run_again;

StudentGrade g;

const double Q_PERCENT = 12.5;
const double M_PERCENT = 25.0;
const double F_PERCENT = 50.0;
const int Q_SCORE = 10;
const int E_SCORE = 100;

double q1 = double(g.quiz1) / Q_SCORE * Q_PERCENT;
double q2 = double(g.quiz2) / Q_SCORE * Q_PERCENT;
double m = double(g.midterm) / E_SCORE * M_PERCENT;
double f = double(g.midterm) / E_SCORE * F_PERCENT;

g.total = g.quiz1 + g.quiz2 + g.midterm + g.final;
g.percent = q1 + q2 + m + f;

int tScore = Q_SCORE * 2 + E_SCORE * 2;
double tPercent = Q_PERCENT * 2 + M_PERCENT + F_PERCENT;


cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Here are the results for " << g.firstName << " " << g.lastName << "." << endl;
cout << Y(i) << "TEST" << Y(i) << "TEST" << Y(i) << "MAX" << W(i) << "GRADE SCORE"
<< W(i) << "MAXIMUM SCORE" << endl;
cout << Y(i) << "PERIOD" << Y(i) << "SCORE" << Y(i) << "SCORE" << W(i) << "DISTRIBUTION"
<< W(i) << "DISTRIBUTION" << endl << endl;
cout << Y(i) << "Quiz 1" << Y(i) << g.quiz1 << Y(i) << Q_SCORE << W(i) << q1 << "%"
<< W(i) << Q_PERCENT << "%" << endl;
cout << Y(i) << "Quiz 2" << Y(i) << g.quiz2 << Y(i) << Q_SCORE << W(i) << q2 << "%"
<< W(i) << Q_PERCENT << "%" << endl;
cout << Y(i) << "Midterm" << Y(i) << g.midterm << Y(i) << E_SCORE << W(i) << m << "%"
<< W(i) << M_PERCENT << "%" << endl;
cout << Y(i) << "Final" << Y(i) << g.final << Y(i) << E_SCORE << W(i) << f << "%"
<< W(i) << F_PERCENT << "%" << endl;
cout << Y(i) << "_________________________________________________ ______________________\n";
cout << Y(i) << "TOTAL" << Y(i) << g.total << Y(i) << tScore << W(i) << g.percent << "%"
<< W(i) << tPercent << "%" << endl;

cout << Y(i) << "Average" << Y(i) << (double(g.total) / tScore * tPercent) << "%" << endl;
cout << Y(i) << "Grade: " << Y(i) << g.letterGrade << endl;

cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Would you like to try again for another student? (y/n) : ";
cout << "(enter Y or N)";
cout << endl;
cin >> run_again;
} while ((run_again == 'y') || (run_again == 'Y'));
return 0;


void getData(StudentGrade& g)
cout << "Enter the student's first name: ";
cin >> g.firstName;
cout << "Enter the student's last name: ";
cin >> g.lastName;
cout << "Enter Quiz 1 score (maximum is 10): ";
cin >> g.quiz1;
cout << "Enter Quiz 2 score (maximum is 10): ";
cin >> g.quiz2;
cout << "Enter Midterm score (maximum is 100): ";
cin >> g.midterm;
cout << "Enter Final score (maximum is 100): ";
cin >> g.final;

g.quiz1 = g.quiz1 > 10 ? 10 : g.quiz1;
g.quiz1 = g.quiz1 < 0 ? 0 : g.quiz1;
g.quiz2 = g.quiz2 > 10 ? 10 : g.quiz2;
g.quiz2 = g.quiz2 < 0 ? 0 : g.quiz2;
g.midterm = g.midterm > 100 ? 100 : g.midterm;
g.midterm = g.midterm < 0 ? 0 : g.midterm;
g.final = g.final > 100 ? 100 : g.final;
g.final = g.final < 0 ? 0 : g.final;


void setLetterGrade(StudentGrade& g)
if (g.percent >= 90.0)
g.letterGrade = 'A';
else if (g.percent >= 80.0)
g.letterGrade = 'B';
else if (g.percent >= 70.0)
g.letterGrade = 'C';
else if (g.percent >= 60.0)
g.letterGrade = 'D';
g.letterGrade = 'F';

void format(int n)