please help me in the code by defining the class School and Student in the following question:

Define class Student that implements interface Cloneable, and has the following members:
• Instance variables to store the student name and an object of type School (described below)
• Constructors as needed
• Accessor and mutator methods as needed
• Override method clone to clone all instance variables appropriately
• Override method toString to print a student object in the format shown in the sample input-output.

Define class School that implements interface Cloneable, and has the following members:
• Instance variables to store the name and location of the school
• Constructors as needed
• Accessor and mutator methods as needed
• Override methods clone and toString if and as needed

import java.util.*;
//DEFINE class School
//DEFINE class Student
public class CloningTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
Student original_stu = new Student(,
new School(,;
Student clone_stu = (Student)original_stu.clone();
catch(CloneNotSupportedException cne){}