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Thread: EOF reached before encapsulated token finished

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default EOF reached before encapsulated token finished

    I have a vary large csv file which I am splitting it into 2 files using RandomAccessFile. BufferedOutuputStream so that it will be easier to parse small size file. No problems till here.

    But as the last line of the large file is getting splitted (1st half line in 1st splitfile and 2nd half line in 2nd split file), while parsing the splitted files I am getting this error. IOException: EOF reached before encapsulated token finished.

    Last line in original CSV file is -- "Regular Emp","43215","Phani Kiran .inc","Low", "High", "NOW"

    After split:
    Line in 1st Split file is -- "Regular Emp","43215","Phani Kir

    Line in 2nd Split is -- an .inc","Low", "High", "NOW"

    Please help me resolving this.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: EOF reached before encapsulated token finished

    Have you tried asking Google about this problem? It has lots of suggested solutions.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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