so I have create a program that connects to phpmyadmin and it looks like this :
I have 3 table from phpmyadmin (film,member,history)
film table consist of 2 collum :
member table consist of 2 collum :
history table consist of 4 collums :
And I have several questions :
1. How to input data to 2 different table at the same time? Like at the image 1 "INPUT MOVIE DATA". I'm using twice executeUpdate (One to film table, and one to history table).
I'm doing it like this :
but it gives me an error. Same problem goes on INPUT MEMBER DATA..Statement stat = null; Statement stat2 = null; stat.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO film VALUES(\"" + temp3 + "\",\"" + temp4 + "\") "); stat2.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO history(filmcode,filmname) VALUES (\"" + temp3 + "\", \"" +temp4 + "\")");
2. How to make my delete data working? So I'm just input my movie code (in the database its called filmcode) and the program will scan the code and then delete it from my database.
3. In History menu, I'd like to show what is my latest inputted movie, registered member, and If could last deleted data. How to do that?
Really Really needs Help.....
Thank You So Much!