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Thread: Breakout Game- program help

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Breakout Game- program help

    So I am working on a program to play the game Breakout (the game with the bricks, the ball and the paddle) and I have everything working except for two problems.

    1) My loseLife method doesn't work. For some reason after you die once, the lives count down from 5 all the way back to 5 until the ball will appear again and it will allow you to play.

    2) When the ball does reappear and you can play again, the program creates a second paddle. I'll post the code below. Someone please help.

     import acm.graphics.*;
       import acm.program.*;
       import acm.util.*;
       import java.applet.*;
       import java.awt.*;
       import java.awt.event.*;
        public class Breakout extends GraphicsProgram 
          int score = 0;
          int best = 0;
          int level = 1;
          int numLives = 5;
          int powerCount = 5;
       //width of game display
          private static final int WIDTH = 400; 
       //height of game display
          private static final int HEIGHT = 600; 
       //width of paddle
          private static final int PADDLE_WIDTH = 60; 
       //height of paddle
          private static final int PADDLE_HEIGHT = 10; 
       //offset of paddle up from the bottom
          private static final int PADDLE_Y_OFFSET = 30; 
       //number of bricks per row
          private static final int NBRICKS_PER_ROW = 10; 
       //number of rows of bricks
          private static final int NBRICK_ROWS = 10; 
       //separation between bricks
          private static final int BRICK_SEP = 4; 
       //width of each brick (based on the dimensions of the game display)
          private static final int BRICK_WIDTH = WIDTH / NBRICKS_PER_ROW - BRICK_SEP;
       //height of brick
          private static final int BRICK_HEIGHT = 8;
       //radius of ball in pixels
          private static final int BALL_RADIUS = 6; 
       //offset of the top brick row from top
          private static final int BRICK_Y_OFFSET = 70; 
       //number of turns
          private static final int NTURNS = 3;
       //the paddle
          private GRect paddle;
       //the ball
          private GOval ball;
       //ball velocity in both directions (x-direction, and y-direction)
          private double vx, vy;
       //records the last x position of the mouse (see mouseMoved method)
          private double lastX;
       //used for mouse events (only moves the paddle every 5th mouse move)
          private int toggle = 0;
       //Random Generator for Ball
          private RandomGenerator rgen = new RandomGenerator();
       //Creates the score label
          GLabel scoreLabel = new GLabel("Score: " + score, 25, 25);
        //Creates the level label
          GLabel levelLabel = new GLabel("Level: " + level, 150, 25);
        //Creates the best score label
          GLabel bestLabel = new GLabel("Best Score: " + best, 275, 25);
       	//Creates the number of lives label
          GLabel numLivesLabel = new GLabel("Number of Lives: " + numLives, 125, 50);
       	//Creates Background Image
    	//	private GImage coolpic;
          //GImage background = new GImage("coolpic");
    	//	add(coolpic);
       //main method -- called when the program is run
           public static void main(String[] args)
             String[] sizeArgs = { "width=" + WIDTH, "height=" + HEIGHT };
             new Breakout().start(sizeArgs);
       //run method -- called indirectly from the main method
           public void run()
       //setup method -- called from the run method
           public void setup()
       //createBricks method -- called from the setup method
       //Also creates other obstacles
           public void createBricks()
          //make the bricks
             for(int x = 0; x < NBRICK_ROWS; x++)
                for(int y = 0; y < NBRICKS_PER_ROW; y++)
                   GRect brick = new GRect((y * BRICK_WIDTH) + BRICK_SEP*y + BRICK_SEP/2, 
                      					BRICK_Y_OFFSET + (BRICK_HEIGHT * x) + BRICK_SEP*x, 
                   if(x <= 1)
                   else if(x <= 3)
                   else if(x <= 5)
                   else if(x <= 7)
                   else if(x <= 9)
       //createPaddle method -- called from the setup method
           public void createPaddle()
             paddle = new GRect(0,590,PADDLE_WIDTH,PADDLE_HEIGHT);
       //createBall method -- called from the setup method
           public void createBall()
             ball = new GOval(WIDTH/2-6, HEIGHT-50,12,12);
           public void loseLife()
             vy = -vy;
             if(numLives == 0)
                vx = 0;
                vy = 0;
                numLives = 5;
       //play method -- called from the run method after setup
           public void play()
       //startTheBall method -- called from the play method
           public void startTheBall()
             vx = rgen.nextDouble(1.0, 3.0);
             if (rgen.nextBoolean(0.5)) vx = -vx;
             vy = -1.0;
       //Check the score method - called to allow game play
           public void checkScore()
             if(score > 0 && score < 100)
                scoreLabel.setLabel("Score: " + score);
                numLivesLabel.setLabel("Number of Lives: " + numLives);
             if(score >= 100)
                scoreLabel.setLabel("Score: " + score);
                numLivesLabel.setLabel("Number of Lives: " + numLives);           
             if(score >= 250)
                scoreLabel.setLabel("Score: " + score);
                numLivesLabel.setLabel("Number of Lives: " + numLives);
             if(score >= 500)
                scoreLabel.setLabel("Score: " + score);
                numLivesLabel.setLabel("Number of Lives: " + numLives);
       //playBall method -- called from the play method
           public void playBall()
          //continuous loop
             //Check Score
             //move the ball
                ball.move(vx, vy);
             //check for contact along the outer walls
                if(ball.getX() < 0)
                   vx = -vx;
                if(ball.getX() > WIDTH)
                   vx = -vx; 
                if(ball.getY() < 0)
                   vy = -vy;
                if(ball.getY() > HEIGHT)
                   vy = -vy;
             //check for collisions with bricks or paddle
                GObject collider = getCollidingObject();
             //if the ball collided with the paddle 
                if(collider == paddle)
                //reverse the y velocity
                   vy = -vy;
                //otherwise if the ball collided with a brick
                else if(collider instanceof GRect) 
                //reverse y velocity
                   vy = -vy;
                //remove the brick
                //Add points for scoring
                   score = score + 10;
                //set best score label with record score for game        
                if(score >= best)
                   best = score;
                   bestLabel.setLabel("Best Score: " + best);
       //getCollidingObject -- called from the playBall method
       //discovers and returns the object that the ball collided with
           private GObject getCollidingObject()
             if(getElementAt(ball.getX(), ball.getY()) != null)
                return getElementAt(ball.getX(), ball.getY());
             else if(getElementAt(ball.getX()+BALL_RADIUS*2, ball.getY()) != null)
                return getElementAt(ball.getX()+BALL_RADIUS*2, ball.getY());
             else if(getElementAt(ball.getX()+BALL_RADIUS*2, ball.getY()+BALL_RADIUS*2) != null)
                return getElementAt(ball.getX()+BALL_RADIUS*2, ball.getY()+BALL_RADIUS*2);
             else if(getElementAt(ball.getX(), ball.getY()+BALL_RADIUS*2) != null)
                return getElementAt(ball.getX(), ball.getY()+BALL_RADIUS*2);
                return null;
       //mouseMoved method -- called by the mouseListener when the mouse is moved
       //anywhere within the boundaries of the run window
           public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
          //only move the paddle every 5th mouse event 
          //otherwise the play slows every time the mouse moves
             if(toggle == 5)
             //get the x-coordinate of the mouse
                double eX = e.getX();
             //if the mouse moved to the right
                if(eX - lastX > 0)
                //if paddle is not already at the right wall
                   if(paddle.getX() < WIDTH - PADDLE_WIDTH)
                   //move to the right
                      paddle.move(eX - lastX, 0);
                else //(if the mouse moved to the left)
                //if paddle is not already at the left wall
                   if(paddle.getX() > 0)
                   //move to the left
                      paddle.move(eX - lastX, 0);
               //record this mouse x position for next mouse event         	
                GPoint last = new GPoint(e.getPoint());
                lastX = last.getX();
             //reset toggle to 1 
                toggle = 1;
             //increment toggle by 1
             //(when toggle gets to 5 the code will move the paddle 
             // and reset toggle back to 1)
    Last edited by strength.honor; June 4th, 2010 at 09:22 AM.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Breakout Game- program help

    Please edit your code and add the code tags to preserve formatting. Unformatted code is hard to read on larger programs.

    For some reason
    Usually its a logic problem. Have you tried debugging your program by adding System.out.println() statements to show program flow and how variables values change.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Breakout Game- program help

    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    Please edit your code and add the code tags to preserve formatting. Unformatted code is hard to read on larger programs.

    Usually its a logic problem. Have you tried debugging your program by adding System.out.println() statements to show program flow and how variables values change.
    Sorry. I'm new. But I fixed it.

    No, I haven't. But I think I found WHERE the problem is. I just don't know how to fix it.

     public void loseLife()
             vy = -vy;
            if(numLives == 0)
                vx = 0;
                vy = 0;
                numLives = 5;
                score = 0;
            // createPaddle();

    as you can see before, i had "run();" instead. but that was creating a second paddle since the first one never disappeared. So i substituted the run method minus the createPaddle method to fix the second paddle problem. i also cleared up the loseLife method by placing a startTheBall method where i would lose a life if the ball hit the bottom. the only glitch now (besides the confusing code) is that when the game restarts, the ball has to hit the bricks before the score and numLives labels reset.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Breakout Game- program help

    when the game restarts, the ball has to hit the bricks before the score and numLives labels reset
    You don't explain how the score and numLives should be reset.

    No idea what "hit the bricks" means?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Breakout Game- program help

    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    You don't explain how the score and numLives should be reset.

    No idea what "hit the bricks" means?
     if(numLives == 0)
                vx = 0;
                vy = 0;
                numLives = 5;
                score = 0;

    this is for when the player runs out of lives. i have it so the game would start over, meaning the numLives would reset back to 5 (their original value) and the score would reset to 0, for new game play. the first problem is that when i compile and run the program, after the 5 lives have been used up and the game goes to rest (see below) the numLives and score labels don't reset until after the ball first makes contact with the bricks (collider).

    originally after the IF statement i had below...


    it creates a second paddle, because "createPaddle();" is in the run(); method which consists of setup(); and play();

    so for a quick fix i tore down the run(); method into the individual parts, and took out the createPaddle(); method as shown below
            // createPaddle();

    and this avoids the second paddle being created when the game resets for new game play.

    so my only problem is

     if(numLives == 0)
                vx = 0;
                vy = 0;
                [B]numLives = 5;
                score = 0;[/B]

    why do the labels reset AFTER the "run();" method is intiated, even though they are told to reset before?

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Breakout Game- program help

    Try debugging your code by putting in some System.out.println() statements to show where and what is going on.

    No way to help with the logic of your program unless you post it. The small pieces of code don't show the logic

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