Hey People! I am Miss AJ, I'm 3 classes away from my masters in info systems and got my 1st f
( I really hope I did this correctly - let me know if I did something wrong, partaining to how to post on here.)
Wrote a program for class, got a failing grade, although it compiled and ran as it was supposed to. I need to know what's wrong because the addition to this program is do for my final in 2 weeks.
I have seen the program that received a perfect score but I still do not understand what exactly is wrong with mine. You've seen the requirments on here under CashForMetals. I'll post the requirements, then the code my partner and I wrote (that got us an 18 out of 30) and the requirements for the addition just so you'd know what is expected of me next. If I can understand what i did wrong,
Program Requirements -
Project 1 – Cash for Metals
Given the economic conditions, businesses have sprouted offering money for unwanted jewelry, antiques and collectibles to people in need of cash. The service makes exchanging goods for cash easy and discrete.
You have been tasked by “Cash for Metals” to write a program which will help calculate the amount they will pay customers for their precious metals. Customers mail an envelope filled of metals to Cash for Metals, who create a proposal for purchasing of the metals from the customer. Below are the program requirements:
Read the entire assignment before proceeding to coding – be sure to follow the implementation notes!
1. First, some introductory lines are printed welcoming the user to the program:
*** ***
*** Welcome to Cash for Metals Calculator!!! ***
*** ***
2. The program will begin asking for information about the customer and the metals they have submitted as follows.
a. Customer’s Name (String)
b. Weight of Gold (double)
c. Weight of Silver (double)
3. Processing of Data
a. Create a unique 8 digit number (int) to identify the customer (use the Math random function)
b. The following conversion rates will be used for calculation of the amount of money offered for each metal the customer has submitted and a total amount
Gold $400.50/ounce
Silver $6.25/ounce
c. Asses a 10% handling fee
4. Display the data
a. Display the customer’s ID
b. Display the customer’s name
c. Display the amount of money to be offered for each metal
d. Display the handling fee
e. Display the net amount of money to be offered to the customer
5. Ask the user if they wish to enter another customer – assume the user will enter either “Yes” or “No” (use the equalsIgnoreCase when checking the user’s response). If yes, you should start inputting values again (step 2). If no, continue to step 6.
6. Display a summary of the user’s input for all customers as follows:
a. Total weight for each metal from all customers
b. Total dollar amount of money to be offered for each metal for all customers
c. Grand total for all metals for all customers
Display Values
Note that different values must displayed in different ways. Here are some examples
Display Item Format Examples
Metal Weight Round to 2 decimals, one digit left of decimal 325.40
Dollar Amount Dollar sign, round to 2 decimals, one digit left of decimal $200.34
Implementation notes
• The file you submit must be named CashforMetals.java – no exceptions!
• Your output must match the sample output!
• You may assume all values are entered in ounces and no weight conversion is required
• All constants must be declared as final variables in all upper case
• You need to minimize the amount of code you duplicate! In most situations, if you find yourself writing the exact same conditions, or the exact same conditional statement, or the exact same loop, a second, third, fourth, or fifth time, you are probably duplicating code you don't need to duplicate.
• Comment your code (check your textbook for reference)
Additional Grad Requirements
1. Reasonable data validation must be implemented for all values entered by the user. Processing should not continue until valid data has been entered
2. Create a method to handle the requirements of 3a
3. Create a method to handle the requirements of 3b
//Importing Java Class Scanner package Project1; //import java classes Start import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.*; //import java classes Ends public class CashforMetals { private static double goldrate = 400.50; private static double silverrate = 6.25; private double goldoffer; private double silveroffer; private double handlingfee; private static double gold; private static double silver; private static double grandtotalgoldounces; private static double grandtotalsilverounces; private static double grandtotaloffer; private static double finaltotal; //Method to generate Random number for customer starts public void random_number() { System.out.println("Customer ID is:" + (int)(Math.random()*100000000)); } //Method to generate Random number for customer ends //Method for gold conversion rate Starts public double Gold_Offer() { return goldoffer = goldrate * gold ; //Gold offer } //Method for gold conversion rate Ends //Method for silver conversion rate Starts public double SilverOffer() { return silveroffer = silverrate * silver; } //Method for silver conversion rate Ends public static void main(String[] args) //Main Method Starts { //Variable declaration Starts String name; String answer; int random_number; String EnterAnotherCustomer =""; //Variable declaration Ends // Welcome Banner Start System.out.println("*** ***"); System.out.println("*** Welcome to Cash for Metals Calculator!!! ***"); System.out.println("*** ***"); // Welcome Banner End Scanner input = new Scanner( System.in ); do //DO WHILE Loop begins { //Prompting user for information Starts System.out.println("Enter your name:"); name = input.next(); System.out.println("Enter the weight of the Gold in ounces: "); gold = input.nextDouble(); System.out.println("Enter the weight of the Silver in ounces: "); silver = input.nextDouble(); //Prompting user for information Ends //Calling Random Number Method Starts CashforMetals chasformetalsObject = new CashforMetals(); chasformetalsObject.random_number(); //Calling Random Number Method Ends //Calling Method for Goldoffer Starts CashforMetals goldoff = new CashforMetals(); goldoff.Gold_Offer(); //Calling Method for Goldoffer Ends //Calling Method for Silveroffer Starts CashforMetals silveroff = new CashforMetals(); silveroff.SilverOffer(); //Calling Method for Silveroffer Ends //Displaying the customer data begins System.out.printf("The name is %s\n", name); System.out.printf("The weight input for gold was %.2f\n", gold); System.out.printf("The weight input for silver was %.2f\n", silver); System.out.printf("The Offer for Gold is $ %.2f\n", goldoff.goldoffer); System.out.printf("The Offer for the Silver is $ %.2f\n", silveroff.silveroffer); System.out.printf("The Offer to the customer, minus the handling fee is $ %.2f\n", ((goldoff.goldoffer + silveroff.silveroffer) - ((goldoff.goldoffer + silveroff.silveroffer) * .1))); //Displaying the customer data ends //Calculating total for all metals Begins grandtotalgoldounces = grandtotalgoldounces + gold; grandtotalsilverounces = grandtotalsilverounces + silver; grandtotaloffer = (grandtotalgoldounces * goldrate) + (grandtotalsilverounces * silverrate); finaltotal = grandtotaloffer - (grandtotaloffer * 0.1); ////Calculating total for all metals Ends System.out.print("Enter YES to enter another Customer\n "); EnterAnotherCustomer = input.next(); }while(EnterAnotherCustomer.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("YES")); //DO WHILE Loop Ends //Displaying the Summary total weith metal and offer for all customers Begins System.out.printf("The Total weight for gold was %.2f\n", grandtotalgoldounces); System.out.printf("The Total weight for silver was %.2f\n", grandtotalsilverounces); System.out.printf("The Total offer for all Metals is %.2f\n", finaltotal); //Displaying the Summary total weith metal and offer for all customers Ends }////Main Method Ends }//Class CashforMetals Ends
*** ***
*** Welcome to Cash for Metals Calculator!!! ***
*** ***
Enter your name:
Enter the weight of the Gold in ounces:
Enter the weight of the Silver in ounces:
Customer ID is:87102244
The name is Dan
The weight input for gold was 1.14
The weight input for silver was 3.67
The Offer for Gold is $456.57
The Offer for the Silver is $22.94
The Offer to the customer, minus the handling fee is $431.56
Enter YES to enter another Customer
Enter your name:
Enter the weight of the Gold in ounces:
Enter the weight of the Silver in ounces:
Customer ID is:22946702
The name is Sosa
The weight input for gold was 25.10
The weight input for silver was 109.00
The Offer for Gold is $10052.55
The Offer for the Silver is $681.25
The Offer to the customer, minus the handling fee is $9660.42
Enter YES to enter another Customer
The Total weight in ounces for gold was 26.24
The Total weight in ounces for silver was 112.67
The Total offer for all Metals is $10091.98
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 30 seconds)
Project 2 – Cash for Metals
Cash for Metals is now expanding their business to allow for both Personal and Commercial customers. Also, they are offering their customers interest if they keep their money with Cash for Metals much like a bank. Furthermore, some customers are repeat customers and Cash for Metals needs a way to keep track of multiple transactions for a customer.
Read the entire assignment before proceeding to coding – be sure to follow the implementation notes!
First, some introductory lines and a menu of options are printed welcoming the user to the program:
*** ***
*** Welcome to Cash for Metals Calculator!!! ***
*** ***
Please select from the menu below:
1. Create Personal Customer
2. Create Commercial Customer
3. Record Transaction
4. Make Withdrawal
5. Display Customer
6. Display Customer Summary
7. Display Grand Summary
8. Exit
1. Create Personal Customer
a. The constructor will take 1 String – the name of the Customer. The constructor should set the customer name and generate the Customer ID (long).
b. Write a get method for the customer Name (String).
c. Write get/set methods for address (String), home phone (String) and work phone (String).
d. Write a get method for the Customer ID(long) and Account
2. Create Commercial Customer
a. The constructor will take 1 String – the name of the Customer. The constructor should set the customer name and generate the Customer ID (long).
b. Write a get method for the customer Name (String).
c. Write get/set methods for address (String), contact person (String), and contact person phone (String).
d. Write a get method for the Customer ID (long) and Account
e. Commercial customers get 3% more for their transactions above the standard price
3. Accounts
a. Create an Account for each customer. An account will have an account number (long), balance (double), date opened (Calendar) using the current date/time and interest rate (double).
b. Accounts have a default balance of 0 (balances cannot be less then 0) and a rate of 3%
c. Get methods should be created for each attribute
d. Accounts have two methods: makeDeposit (returns void) and makeWithdrawal (returns actual amount withdrawn from the account)
e. Note the account should be created when the Customer is created.
4. Record Transaction
a. Ask for the customer ID
b. If the customer ID is not found, state the ID could not be found and restart the menu
c. The transaction constructor will take no parameters, but will generate a Transaction ID (long) and will set the date/time of the transaction (Calendar) using the current date/time
d. Write get/set methods for Weight of Gold (double), Weight of Silver (double)
e. Write a get method for total value of the transaction (double)
f. Part of the transaction recording should include making a deposit into the Customer’s account for the appropriate amount
g. The transaction should be added to the Customer
5. Make Withdrawal
a. Ask for the customer ID
b. If the customer ID is not found, state the ID could not be found and restart the menu
c. Ask for the amount to be withdrawn from the account.
d. Withdraw the money from the account – the amount to be withdrawn must be greater then 0
6. Display Customer
a. Display the customer’s name
b. Display the customer’s ID
c. Display the details of their account
d. Display the details of each transaction
7. Display Customer Summary
a. Display the total number of customers
b. Display the sum total value of all accounts
8. Display Grand Summary
a. Display information for all customers
Display Values
Note that different values must displayed in different ways. Here are some examples
Display Item Format Examples
Metal Weight Round to 2 decimals, one digit left of decimal 325.40
Dollar Amount Dollar sign, round to 2 decimals, one digit left of decimal $200.34
Metal Values
Gold $400.50/ounce
Silver $6.25/ounce
Implementation notes
• The files you submit will be (but don’t have to be exactly): CashForMetalsClient.java, Customer.java, PersonalCustomer.java, CommericalCustomer.java, Transaction.java, Account.java
• Customers will have one account, but can have multiple transactions
• You must use inheritance to relate Customer, PersonalCustomer and CommericalCustomer classes. Review the attributes of each and be sure there are no duplicates across classes.
• You should write toString methods overriding the Object toString for the following classes: Customer, PersonalCustomer, CommercialCustomer, Account and Transaction
• You have been provided a number of classes to use. It is not recommended to modify the code provided to you.
• Your output must match the sample output!
• You may assume all values are entered in ounces and no weight conversion is required
• All constants must be declared as final variables in all upper case
• You need to minimize the amount of code you duplicate! In most situations, if you find yourself writing the exact same conditions, or the exact same conditional statement, or the exact same loop, a second, third, fourth, or fifth time, you are probably duplicating code you don't need to duplicate.
• Comment your code (check your textbook for reference)