The error you're encountering seems to be related to parsing a string into an integer. Specifically, it's happening in this line:
System.out.println("Hi "+name+" your seat number is "+Integer.parseInt(id.substring(3, 6))+" and the event starts at"+Integer.parseInt(id.substring(6,8))+Integer. pa rseInt(id.substring(8, 10)));
The error message `java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "PM"` indicates that the string "PM" is causing the issue because you're trying to parse it as an integer, which isn't possible.
The problem arises because you're concatenating the results of `parseInt` without providing spaces or any separators between them. As a result, "PM" is getting concatenated directly after the result of `parseInt(id.substring(6,8))`, causing it to be treated as part of the string to be parsed.
To fix this, you should ensure proper separation between the parsed integers and the string "PM". Here's the corrected line:
System.out.println("Hi "+name+" your seat number is "+Integer.parseInt(id.substring(3, 6))+" and the event starts at "+Integer.parseInt(id.substring(6,8)) + " " + Integer.parseInt(id.substring(8, 10)) + " " + id.substring(10));
I've added spaces between the parsed integers and the string "PM" so that it's clear where each part begins and ends. This should resolve the `NumberFormatException` issue.
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