We have a spring-boot app which is a Camunda External Task client services deployed on Azure AKS.
For this app we have mounted Azure File Share as a PV.
Now, a service in the app is designed to move all the files from a sub-folder in the mounted volume to another sub-folder.
For this, I have used Files.move() function of java-17 which is running in a for-each loop for iterating from the folder.

    try (Stream<Path> folder = Files.list(Path.of(source))) {
          Path destinationPath = Files.createDirectories(Paths.get(destination));
              .forEach(sourceFile -> fileUtil.moveFile(source, sourceFile, destinationPath));
        void moveFile(String source, File sourceFile, Path destinationPath) {
            Path destFile = destinationPath.resolve(Path.of(source).relativize(sourceFile.toPath()));
            try {
              Files.move(sourceFile.toPath(), destFile, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
            } catch (IOException e) {
              throw new CustomException(
                  "file " + sourceFile + " not moved to " + destinationPath + " folder", e);

Now, the issue is, all files are not getting moved, for e.g if I keep around 50 files, only 31 gets moved.
Also it seems the issue seems specifically to the path which is mounted as volume, because I tried moving files from /app directory and it worked fine.