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Thread: hey! i am facing this issue "The field Parent.buffalo is not visible"

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default hey! i am facing this issue "The field Parent.buffalo is not visible"

    before putting my code what i expect from my code, i wan to know that "if i create a new class in same package in which there are already exist an inherited class. and i want to know that whether i can access those protected field directly from this class, because there are a saying that protected field can be accessed in same package."
    Total i created 3 classes and 2 package.
    let me clarify that i am doing this all on eclipse ide.

    package first;
    public class Parent {
        protected int buffalo = 5; // Protected field
    package second;
    import first.Parent;
    public class ChildClass extends Parent {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            ChildClass a = new ChildClass();
            a.buffalo = 10;  // Accessing protected field from subclass
            System.out.println(a.buffalo); // Should print 10
    }  // this child class work fine! 
    package second;
    public class Abhi {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            ChildClass ob = new ChildClass();
            ob.buffalo = 20;  // i want to access this, here the problem occur
            System.out.println(ob.buffalo);  // and also here 

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: hey! i am facing this issue "The field Parent.buffalo is not visible"

    Try asking here: https://www.coderanch.com/forums
    That site has more experts on this kind of problem.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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