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Thread: Java in Windows 10 command line

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Java in Windows 10 command line

    I have installed a folder jdk-23.0.1 on Windows 10 and added c:\jdk-23.0.1\bin to the "path" environment variable. I have set various items to "Run as Administrator" to clear those hurdles.
    I believe I have got as far as being able to run Java from the command line but am not sure as the console closes about 0.1 seconds after opening. There are many recipes on line for this but I have not found one that did not evoke a shower of error messages. I have tried to compile a "Hello world" program and run it but again cannot see the output if any. I have tried many guesses and online recipes but Java seems impregnable. Is there anything online for beginners? Searches have not revealed anything I can understand or that was correct.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java in Windows 10 command line

    I do not understand. What are the steps you are doing for the test?
    Here is what I do:
    1 - open command prompt window
    2 - change directory to the location of the java file
    3 - enter the command: javac MyProgram.java
    If no errors displayed, then
    4 - enter the command: java MyProgram
    The command prompt window should remain open through all of the above.

    Is this what you are doing? If not please explain.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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