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Thread: Game hitboxes

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Post Game hitboxes

    I'm making a little game in java to learn, and I encounter a problem with my weapon hitbox, I tried a lot of things but the hitbox is never applied exactly where the weapon is.
    The sword is correctly displayed, I tried to draw the hitbox but it didn't match with the real hitbox. Here is my code below:

    I have a weapon class that will handle all other weapons in my game but for now I just have a sword class that is used. My problem is the interaction between monsters and weapon to apply damage to the monster. There is a problem with the hitbox that is not where the sword is displayed (which it is correctly displayed). When I try to drawRect the collision box, it does not appear. In reality I do not understand well how I can make my collision box that corresponds to the translation and rotation of the image of my sword.

    package weapon;
    import entity.Entity;
    import main.GamePanel;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    public abstract class Weapon {
    protected GamePanel gp;
    public boolean isAttacking = false;
    public boolean collisionOn = false;
    protected boolean isDrawing = false;
    protected BufferedImage[] frames;
    protected int currentFrame = 0;
    protected int counterFrames = 0;
    protected BufferedImage[] framesEffect;
    public double angle = 0;
    protected double initialAngle = 0;
    protected double startAngle;
    protected double turn = Math.PI;
    public int distanceFromPlayer = 50;
    protected int speed = 5;
    protected int damage;
    public Rectangle solidArea;
    public int solidAreaDefaultX, solidAreaDefaultY;
    public Weapon(GamePanel gp, int damage) {
    this.gp = gp;
    this.damage = damage;
    solidArea = new Rectangle();
    solidArea.x = 0;
    solidArea.y = 0;
    solidAreaDefaultX = solidArea.x;
    solidAreaDefaultY = solidArea.y;
    solidArea.width = gp.tileSize - 2*solidArea.x;
    solidArea.height = gp.tileSize - solidArea.y;
    protected abstract void getImage();
    protected abstract void getEffect();
    public void startAttack(String direction) {
    if (!isDrawing) {
    isDrawing = true;
    startAngle = switch (direction) {
    case "up" -> Math.toRadians(180) + initialAngle;
    case "down" -> initialAngle;
    case "left" -> Math.toRadians(90) + initialAngle;
    case "right" -> Math.toRadians(-90) + initialAngle;
    default -> initialAngle;
    angle = startAngle;
    public void update() {
    if (isDrawing) {
    angle += Math.toRadians(speed);
    if (angle - startAngle >= turn) {
    isDrawing = false;
    if (counterFrames > 5) {
    currentFrame = (currentFrame + 1) % frames.length;
    counterFrames = 0;
    int weaponHitboxX = gp.playerCenterX + (int) (distanceFromPlayer * Math.cos(angle) + gp.tileSize);
    int weaponHitboxY = gp.playerCenterY + (int) (distanceFromPlayer * Math.sin(angle)) + gp.tileSize / 2;
    solidArea.x = weaponHitboxX;
    solidArea.y = weaponHitboxY;
    int monsterIndex = checkEntityWithWeapon(this, gp.mon);
    if (monsterIndex != 999) {
    public void draw(Graphics2D g2, int playerCenterX, int playerCenterY) {
    if (isDrawing) {
    int weaponX = playerCenterX + (int) (distanceFromPlayer * Math.cos(angle) + gp.tileSize);
    int weaponY = playerCenterY + (int) (distanceFromPlayer * Math.sin(angle)) + gp.tileSize/2;
    AffineTransform originalTransform = g2.getTransform();
    AffineTransform weaponTransform = new AffineTransform();
    weaponTransform.translate(weaponX, weaponY);
    weaponTransform.rotate(angle + Math.PI / 2, gp.tileSize / 2, gp.tileSize / 2);
    if (frames[currentFrame] != null) {
    g2.drawImage(frames[currentFrame], 0, 0, gp.tileSize, gp.tileSize, null);}
    public int checkEntityWithWeapon(Weapon weapon, Entity[] target) {
    int index = 999;
    for (int i = 0; i < target.length; i++) {
    if (target[i] != null) {
    target[i].solidArea.x = target[i].worldX + target[i].solidArea.x;
    target[i].solidArea.y = target[i].worldY + target[i].solidArea.y;
    if (weapon.solidArea.intersects(target[i].solidArea)) { // intersects vérifie si 2 rectangles sont en collision
    collisionOn = true;
    index = i;
    target[i].solidArea.x = target[i].solidAreaDefaultX;
    target[i].solidArea.y = target[i].solidAreaDefaultY;
    return index;
    public boolean isDrawing() {
    return isDrawing;
    public int getWeaponTipY(int playerCenterY) {
    return playerCenterY + (int) (distanceFromPlayer * Math.sin(angle));
    public void damageMonster(int i){
    if(i != 999) {
    if (gp.mon[i].invincible == false) {
    gp.mon[i].life -= 1;
    gp.mon[i].invincible = true;
    if(gp.mon[i].life <= 0){
    gp.mon[i] = null;

    package weapon;
    import main.GamePanel;
    import main.UtilityTool;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    public class Sword extends Weapon {
        public Sword(GamePanel gp) {
            super(gp, 10); 
            solidArea.x = 24;
            solidArea.y = 0;
            solidAreaDefaultX = solidArea.x;
            solidAreaDefaultY = solidArea.y;
            solidArea.width = gp.tileSize - 2*solidArea.x;
            solidArea.height = gp.tileSize - solidArea.y;
            initialAngle = Math.toRadians(22.5);
            turn = Math.toRadians(135);
        protected void getImage() {
            BufferedImage swordSpriteSheet = UtilityTool.setup("/resources/weapons/sword2", 1, gp.tileSize);
            this.frames = UtilityTool.extractFrames(swordSpriteSheet, 1, gp.tileSize);
    // ------------------------------not used for now------------------
        protected void getEffect() {
            BufferedImage swordSpriteSheet = UtilityTool.setup("/resources/effects/slash1", 4, gp.tileSize);
            this.framesEffect = UtilityTool.extractFrames(swordSpriteSheet, 4, gp.tileSize);
    Last edited by Ario; October 31st, 2024 at 07:32 AM.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Game hitboxes

    the hitbox is never applied exactly where the weapon is.
    Please explain in more detail.

    Please edit your post and wrap your code with code tags:


    to get highlighting and preserve formatting.

    How can someone execute your code for testing? I do not see a main() method for starting its execution.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Game hitboxes

    How can I provide my entire code for it to be tested? there are many other classes and even with the main, the code could not be executed I must provide the whole.

    --- Update ---

    I can try to comment on every part of my code. I'm providing a simpler version where everything is working, basically I need to add a hitbox to my weapon.

    package weapon;
    import entity.Entity;
    import main.GamePanel;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    public abstract class Weapon {
        protected GamePanel gp;
        public boolean isAttacking = false;
        public boolean collisionOn = false;
        protected boolean isDrawing = false;
        protected BufferedImage[] frames; 
        protected int currentFrame = 0;
        protected int counterFrames = 0;
        protected BufferedImage[] framesEffect; 
        public double angle = 0;
        protected double initialAngle = 0;
        protected double startAngle; 
        protected double turn = Math.PI; 
        public int distanceFromPlayer = 50;
        protected int speed = 5;
        protected int damage;
        public Rectangle solidArea;
        public int solidAreaDefaultX, solidAreaDefaultY;
        public Weapon(GamePanel gp, int damage) {
            this.gp = gp;
            this.damage = damage;
            solidArea = new Rectangle();
            solidArea.x = 0;
            solidArea.y = 0;
            solidAreaDefaultX = solidArea.x;
            solidAreaDefaultY = solidArea.y;
            solidArea.width = gp.tileSize - 2*solidArea.x;
            solidArea.height = gp.tileSize - solidArea.y;
        protected abstract void getImage();
        protected abstract void getEffect();
        public void startAttack(String direction) {
            if (!isDrawing) {
                isDrawing = true;
                startAngle = switch (direction) {
                    case "up" -> Math.toRadians(180) + initialAngle;
                    case "down" -> initialAngle;
                    case "left" -> Math.toRadians(90) + initialAngle;
                    case "right" -> Math.toRadians(-90) + initialAngle;
                    default -> initialAngle;
                angle = startAngle;
        public void update() {
            if (isDrawing) {
                angle += Math.toRadians(speed);
                if (angle - startAngle >= turn) {
                    isDrawing = false;
                if (counterFrames > 5) {
                    currentFrame = (currentFrame + 1) % frames.length;
                    counterFrames = 0;
        public void draw(Graphics2D g2, int playerCenterX, int playerCenterY) {
            if (isDrawing) {
                int weaponX = playerCenterX + (int) (distanceFromPlayer * Math.cos(angle) + gp.tileSize);
                int weaponY = playerCenterY + (int) (distanceFromPlayer * Math.sin(angle)) + gp.tileSize/2; 
                AffineTransform originalTransform = g2.getTransform();
                AffineTransform weaponTransform = new AffineTransform();
                weaponTransform.translate(weaponX, weaponY); 
                weaponTransform.rotate(angle + Math.PI / 2, gp.tileSize / 2, gp.tileSize / 2); 
                if (frames[currentFrame] != null) {
                    g2.drawImage(frames[currentFrame], 0, 0, gp.tileSize, gp.tileSize, null);}
        public boolean isDrawing() {
            return isDrawing;
        public int getWeaponTipY(int playerCenterY) {
            return playerCenterY + (int) (distanceFromPlayer * Math.sin(angle));
        public void damageMonster(int i){
            if(i != 999) {
                if (gp.mon[i].invincible == false) {
                    gp.mon[i].life -= 1;
                    gp.mon[i].invincible = true;
                    if(gp.mon[i].life <= 0){
                        gp.mon[i] = null;

    draw manages the display of my sword, I use affineTransform to apply a rotation and translation to the sword when the player presses space, isDrawing becomes True.

    Update manages the animation from spriteSheet but it does not matter much in my problem. Update also manages the angle progress that the sword travels during its use.

    In StartAttack I define the starting angles according to the orientation of the player.

    damageMonster is not used here but I would like to use it to apply damage to monsters when the sword’s collision box comes into contact with the monster’s.

    --- Update ---

    Maybe I can provide some pictures to illustrate?

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Game hitboxes

    How can I compile the code and execute it for testing? It does not have a main method.
    Can you make and post minimum code for testing?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Game hitboxes

    To fix your weapon hitbox issue, ensure that the hitbox coordinates and dimensions are updated consistently with the sword's position, rotation, and scale. Here's a general approach:

    Translate and Rotate the Hitbox: Use the same transformation logic applied to the sword's rendering for the hitbox. This includes translating the hitbox to the sword's position and rotating it accordingly.

    Update on Every Frame: Recalculate the hitbox in the update() method to keep it aligned with the sword's current position and rotation.

    Debugging: When using drawRect, ensure you're drawing it with the correct coordinates and dimensions. You can log or print the values to verify.

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