This programming assignment is about pi, you know: 3.14, and all that. You probably know someone who memorized some of its digits back in seventh grade. There are the 3.14 people, just about everyone, then there are the 3.14159, people, and finally there are the elite memorizers, who went to 3.14159265, and beyond. Pi is hard to memorize because its digits are seemingly random, and this assignment takes a first baby step toward assessing the randomness of number's digit pattern.(Click here for an accessible discussion of the nature of the digits of pi.)
I've included a link to a text file that holds the first 100,000 digits of pi: digitsOfPt.txt
Your job for this assignment is to read through that file and then build and display a table that reports the frequency of each of the digits 0 through 9. Your table should look like this:
0 10001
8 10271
9 9994
bad symbols: 123
There are some other requirements.
The file is actually slightly corrupted - it contains some symbols besides digits (spaces, for example). Your job as you read through the file is to skip over these, but also report how many non-digits there are in the file. To do this you can use Java's try-catch construction.
Design arrays that most naturally use a non-numeric indexing scheme (here: the digits '0' through '9').
Your solution must use inheritance.
You must have a two class solution, a driver called PiDriver, and a principal class called PiCounter..
SO the file is called digitsOfPt.txt
and i need a PiDriver and a PiCounter
if ANYONE could help with this i would APPRECIATE it a LOT.
ALSO: it is due at 11:45pm EST tonight (July 31)