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Thread: Need help getting things to loop correctly

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Need help getting things to loop correctly

    Alright i'm having trouble getting my loop to continue after one try (i am using a loopcounter, it just might not be in the right spot.) You're supposed to get 3 turns. I'm also having trouble getting this to work for every input except A>B. Any suggestions? Instructions are in the program.

    ]import java.util.Scanner;         // used for console input (from the keyboard)
    // Declare the class
    public class toothpickPuzzle
        // Fields that can be accessed anywhere in the class go here
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner( System.in);     // used to read user input
        public static void main(String[] args)  
            // create an instance of this class
            toothpickPuzzle theSampleInstance = new toothpickPuzzle();
            // call a non-static method to do everything else
            // Display identifying information
            System.out.println( "Author: Eric Grunauer\n" +
                                "Program: #2 Toothpick Puzzle\n" +
                                "T.A.: Rigel Gjomemo\n" +
                                "Date: September 10, 2010");
            System.out.println("Welcome to the Toothpick Puzzle.  Think of having 3 piles of toothpicks\n" +
                               "in front of you, where there are 24 toothpicks total:\n" +
                               " \n" +
                               "        Stack:    A    B    C\n" +
                               " Number of Toothpicks:    11    7    6\n" +
                               " \n" +
                               "The goal is to create 3 piles of 8 toothpicks in exactly 3 moves.  A move\n" +
                               "consists of moving toothpicks from one stack to a second stack, where the\n" +
                               "number of toothpicks moved is exactly the number that is in the destination\n" +
                               "stack.  In other words, to move from stack B (7 toothpicks) to stack C (6)\n" +
                               "as shown above, we would move 6 from B to C, leaving us with 1 in B and 12\n" +
                               "in stack C.");
            System.out.println("Here we go...");
            // declare variables used in the program  
            Scanner keyboard = new Scanner( System.in);
            // declare the variables to store the number of toothpicks in each stack 
            int stackA = 11; 
            int stackB = 7; 
            int stackC = 6; 
            int turnCounter = 0;
                // display original stack values
                System.out.println("           Stack:       A   B   C");
                System.out.printf("Number of Toothpicks:      %2d  %2d  %2d \n", stackA, stackB, stackC);
                System.out.print("Enter the stack from: "); 
                char sourceStack = ' '; //
                // Get the user input, convert it all to upper case, and retrieve the first character.
                // This first character should be 'A', 'B', or 'C', representing one of the stacks. 
                sourceStack = keyboard.next().toUpperCase().charAt(0);
                System.out.print("Enter the stack to: "); // repeat for the second stack
                char destinationStack = ' '; 
                // Get destination stack letter
                destinationStack = keyboard.next().toUpperCase().charAt(0);
                // Now use "if" statements to change the values stored in variables stackA, stackB, and stackC 
            while (turnCounter < 3)
                if( sourceStack == 'A' && destinationStack == 'C') 
                    int numberToMove = stackC; // store how many should be moved 
                    stackA = stackA - numberToMove; // deduct from the source stack 
                    stackC = stackC + numberToMove; // move into the destination stack 
                if( sourceStack == 'A' && destinationStack == 'B') 
                    int numberToMove = stackB; // store how many should be moved 
                    stackA = stackA - numberToMove; // deduct from the source stack 
                    stackB = stackB + numberToMove; // move into the destination stack 
                if( sourceStack == 'B' && destinationStack == 'A') 
                    int numberToMove = stackA; // store how many should be moved 
                    stackB = stackB - numberToMove; // deduct from the source stack 
                    stackA = stackA + numberToMove; // move into the destination stack 
                if( sourceStack == 'B' && destinationStack == 'C') 
                    int numberToMove = stackC; // store how many should be moved 
                    stackB = stackB - numberToMove; // deduct from the source stack 
                    stackC = stackC + numberToMove; // move into the destination stack 
                if( sourceStack == 'C' && destinationStack == 'B') 
                    int numberToMove = stackB; // store how many should be moved 
                    stackC = stackC - numberToMove; // deduct from the source stack 
                    stackB = stackB + numberToMove; // move into the destination stack 
                if( sourceStack == 'C' && destinationStack == 'A') 
                    int numberToMove = stackA; // store how many should be moved 
                    stackC = stackC - numberToMove; // deduct from the source stack 
                    stackA = stackA + numberToMove; // move into the destination stack 
                System.out.println("Stacks A   B   C contain: ");
                System.out.printf("      %2d  %2d  %2d \n", stackA, stackB, stackC);
        }//end method mainLoop()
    Last edited by egruna2; September 9th, 2010 at 11:26 AM.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need help getting things to loop correctly

    First question: Why use a while() rather than a for() loop?

    having trouble getting this to work for every input except A>B
    What does this mean?

    Try debugging your code by adding print outs of ALL the variables values as the loop executes.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Need help getting things to loop correctly

    where is the body of mainLoop?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Need help getting things to loop correctly

    I'm confuzed because of this comment:

    }// end method mainLoop()

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need help getting things to loop correctly

    Seems the OP missed a couple of lines when he posted his code. Add }\n void mainLoop() {
    after the call to mainLoop.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Need help getting things to loop correctly

    This solves something I think:
    package GGG;
    import java.util.Scanner; // used for console input (from the keyboard)
    // Declare the class
    public class toothpickPuzzle {
    	// Fields that can be accessed anywhere in the class go here
    	Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); // used to read user input
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		// create an instance of this class
    		toothpickPuzzle theSampleInstance = new toothpickPuzzle();
    		// call a non-static method to do everything else
    	void mainLoop() {
    		// Display identifying information
    		System.out.println("Author: Eric Grunauer\n"
    				+ "Program: #2 Toothpick Puzzle\n" 
    				+ "T.A.: Rigel Gjomemo\n"
    				+ "Date: September 10, 2010");
    		System.out.println("Welcome to the Toothpick Puzzle.  Think of having 3 piles of toothpicks\n"
    						+ "in front of you, where there are 24 toothpicks total:\n"
    						+ " \n"
    						+ "                Stack:    A    B    C\n"
    						+ " Number of Toothpicks:    11    7    6\n"
    						+ " \n"
    						+ "The goal is to create 3 piles of 8 toothpicks in exactly 3 moves.  A move\n"
    						+ "consists of moving toothpicks from one stack to a second stack, where the\n"
    						+ "number of toothpicks moved is exactly the number that is in the destination\n"
    						+ "stack.  In other words, to move from stack B (7 toothpicks) to stack C (6)\n"
    						+ "as shown above, we would move 6 from B to C, leaving us with 1 in B and 12\n"
    						+ "in stack C.");
    		System.out.println("Here we go...");
    		// declare variables used in the program
    		Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
    		// declare the variables to store the number of toothpicks in each stack
    		int stackA = 11;
    		int stackB = 7;
    		int stackC = 6;
    		int turnCounter = 0;
    		// display original stack values
    		System.out.println("           Stack:       A   B   C");
    		System.out.printf("Number of Toothpicks:      %2d  %2d  %2d \n",
    				stackA, stackB, stackC);
    		System.out.print("Enter the stack from: ");
    		char sourceStack = ' '; //
    		// Get the user input, convert it all to upper case, and retrieve the
    		// first character.
    		// This first character should be 'A', 'B', or 'C', representing one of
    		// the stacks.
    		sourceStack = keyboard.next().toUpperCase().charAt(0);
    		System.out.print("Enter the stack to: "); // repeat for the second stack
    		char destinationStack = ' ';
    		// Get destination stack letter
    		destinationStack = keyboard.next().toUpperCase().charAt(0);
    		int tries=3;
    		// Now use "if" statements to change the values stored in variables
    		// stackA, stackB, and stackC
    		while (turnCounter < tries) {
    			if (sourceStack == 'A' && destinationStack == 'C') {
    				int numberToMove = stackC; // store how many should be moved
    				stackA = stackA - numberToMove; // deduct from the source stack
    				stackC = stackC + numberToMove; // move into the destination
    				// stack
    			if (sourceStack == 'A' && destinationStack == 'B') {
    				int numberToMove = stackB; // store how many should be moved
    				stackA = stackA - numberToMove; // deduct from the source stack
    				stackB = stackB + numberToMove; // move into the destination
    				// stack
    			if (sourceStack == 'B' && destinationStack == 'A') {
    				int numberToMove = stackA; // store how many should be moved
    				stackB = stackB - numberToMove; // deduct from the source stack
    				stackA = stackA + numberToMove; // move into the destination
    				// stack
    			if (sourceStack == 'B' && destinationStack == 'C') {
    				int numberToMove = stackC; // store how many should be moved
    				stackB = stackB - numberToMove; // deduct from the source stack
    				stackC = stackC + numberToMove; // move into the destination
    				// stack
    			if (sourceStack == 'C' && destinationStack == 'B') {
    				int numberToMove = stackB; // store how many should be moved
    				stackC = stackC - numberToMove; // deduct from the source stack
    				stackB = stackB + numberToMove; // move into the destination
    				// stack
    			if (sourceStack == 'C' && destinationStack == 'A') {
    				int numberToMove = stackA; // store how many should be moved
    				stackC = stackC - numberToMove; // deduct from the source stack
    				stackA = stackA + numberToMove; // move into the destination
    				// stack
    			System.out.println("Stacks A   B   C contain: ");
    			System.out.printf("      %2d  %2d  %2d \n", stackA, stackB, stackC);
    			System.out.print("Enter the stack from: ");
    			// Get the user input, convert it all to upper case, and retrieve the
    			// first character.
    			// This first character should be 'A', 'B', or 'C', representing one of
    			// the stacks.
    			sourceStack = keyboard.next().toUpperCase().charAt(0);
    			System.out.print("Enter the stack to: "); // repeat for the second stack
    			// Get destination stack letter
    			destinationStack = keyboard.next().toUpperCase().charAt(0);	
    	}// end method mainLoop()
    }// end

  7. #7
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need help getting things to loop correctly

    Are you trying to solve the OPs problem or are you trying to help the OP solve the problem?

    If you're going to solve the problem at least explain what you did to find the problem and what you did to solve it.
    Giving code doesn't really let the OP go thru the learning process. Will you be there the next time the OP doesn't know how to solve a problem?

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