public class Person
// instance variables
private String name;
private char gender;
private Date dateOfBirth;
private String address;
private String natInsceNo;
private static int counter = 0; // you need to initialize it.
// it seems your counter isn't doing much
// it won't keep going up every time you create a new Person.
// the counter only works for that particular Person
// what are you counting by the way?
// if it's how many people you've created, put them in an array or ArrayList, preferably an ArrayList as it can keep growing.
// private ArrayList<Person> personList = new ArrayList<Person>();
// every time you add a new Person
// personList.add(thatPerson);
* Constructor for objects of class Person
public Person()
name = "";
address = "";
natInsceNo = "";
public Person(String nme, char sex, int day, int month, int year, String insceNumber)
// initialise instance variables
name = nme;
dateOfBirth = new Date(day, month, year);
address = "";
natInsceNo = insceNumber;
counter = 0;
public static int count()
return counter;
public void setName(String nme)
name = nme;
public String getName()
return name;
public void setAddress(String addr)
address = addr;
public String getAddress()
return address;
public void setdateOfBirth(int day, int month, int year)
dateOfBirth = new Date(day, month, year);
public Date getdateOfBirth()
return dateOfBirth;
public void setGender(char sex)
gender = sex;
public char getGender()
return gender;
public void setnatInsceNo(String insceNumber)
natInsceNo = insceNumber;
public String getnatInsceNo()
return natInsceNo;
public String toString()
return "Name: " + getname() + " DOB: " + getDateOfBirth() + " Gender: " + getGender() +
" Address: " + getAddress() + " NatIns No: " + getnatInsceNo();
public Person copy()
Person p = new Person(, this.gender, dob.getDay(), dob.getMonth, dob.getYear(), this.natInsceNo);
return p;
public boolean equals(Person other)
//returns true if the name and national insurance number
//are the same as the values in other.
if ( && this.natInsceNo.equals(other.natInsceNo))
return true;
return false;