Hi, I'm trying to write a program right now that requires inheritance. I understand the concept and what I'm supposed to do, but I'm having trouble with the syntax. I created a class called student and created its methods and attributes, and then I created a constructor called student. Next I need to create subclasses called Graduate, Undergraduate, and part-time and create additional methods for them. I keep getting an error saying "Cannot find constructor Student" and I can't figure out why. Here's my code. Line 75 is the issue line. Thanks.
public abstract class Student { private String firstName; private String lastName; private int studentID; private double gPA; private String status; private String mentor; public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public String getLastName() { return lastName; } public int getStudentID() { return studentID; } public double getGPA() { return gPA; } public String getStatus() { return status; } public String getMentor() { return mentor; } public void setFirstName(String fName){ firstName = fName; } public void setLastName(String lName) { lastName = lName; } public void setStudentID(int sID) { studentID = sID; } public void setGPA(double sGPA) { gPA = sGPA; } public void setStatus(String sStatus) { status = sStatus; } public void setMentor(String sMentor) { mentor = sMentor; } public Student(String fName, String lName, int sID, double sGPA, String sStatus, String sMentor) { firstName = fName; lastName = lName; studentID = sID; gPA = sGPA; status = sStatus; mentor = sMentor; } public abstract void calculateTuition(); public abstract void update(); public abstract void add(); public abstract void delete(); public abstract void query (); public class Graduate extends Student { } }