I am sort of a hole on how to add miles and gas to the arraylist. Can i do something like this
ArrayList<List> auto = new ArrayList<List>(6732, 83942, "Crown Victoria")
is that a good start
Below holds my code
public class Garage { private String model; private int milesDriven; private int GallonsGas; public Garage(String ModelCar, int MilesDrove, int AmtGallonsGas) { model= ModelCar; milesDriven= MilesDrove; GallonsGas= AmtGallonsGas; } public String getModelCar() { String returnModelCar= model; return returnModelCar; } public int getMilesDrove() { int returnMilesDrove= milesDriven; return returnMilesDrove; } public int getAmtGallonsGas() { int returnAmtGallonsGas= GallonsGas; return returnAmtGallonsGas; } }