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Thread: Java Assignment Help

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default While Loop Problem with Java Assignment Program

    Hey guys this is my 1st time posting here but have browsed the Forum at times before I am going an introduction course to Java and have coded my latest program which is based on Student Loans the calculations within the program are correct but I seem to be having problems with the While Loop within the program running properly, here is what I've got so far

    public class LoanPayments {
        // place constant declarations (static final) below.
        // e.g. 3% interest, 9% repayment, 5% pay rise and 10k theshold
            static final double INTEREST = 0.03, REPAID = 0.09, PAYRISE = 0.05, NET = 10000;  
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            double loans, prevloan, newloan, wages, net, interest, newlinterest=0, linterest=0, wagest=0, newwages=0, repaid=0, balance=0, newbalance=0, yrbal=0, year=1;
            // place all variable declarations here
            System.out.println(" Student Loan" );
            loans = UserInput.readDouble();
            // prompt and read the loan amount
            System.out.println (" Wages ");
            wages = UserInput.readDouble();
                interest =  loans * INTEREST;
                // add 3% to the loan
                net = wages - NET;
                // deduct 10k from the wages
                repaid = net * REPAID;
                // from the remaining wages calculate 9% repayment
                linterest = loans + interest;
                balance = linterest - repaid;
                // reapaid loan amount
                wagest = net;
                yrbal= balance * year;
                // sum up repayments and years so far
                System.out.println(" Year " + (int)year);
                MoneyOut.println(" Old Loan ", (int)loans);
                // produce output: current year, old loan, 
                MoneyOut.println(" Loans plus 3% interest ", linterest);
                // loan plus 3% interest, wages, 
                MoneyOut.println(" Wages ", (int)wages);
                MoneyOut.println(" Wages minus threshold ", wagest);
                //wages minus 10,000 pounds, repayment, new loan
                MoneyOut.println(" Repayment ", (int)repaid);
                MoneyOut.println(" New loan amount ", balance);
            while (newbalance>0) {
                // while loop starts here
                prevloan = balance;
                newloan = prevloan;
                interest =  newloan * INTEREST;
                // add 3% to the loan
                newwages = wages + (wages * 5.0 /100.0);
                // calculate new wages by adding a pay rise of 5%
                net = newwages - NET;
                // deduct 10k from the wages
                repaid = net * REPAID;
                // from the remaining wages calculate 9% repayment
                //if (newwages <0) {
                  //  repaid =0;
                // (if the remaining wages are zero or less, repayment is zero)
                newlinterest = newloan + interest;
                newbalance = newlinterest - repaid;
                // reapaid loan amount
                wagest = net;
                yrbal= newbalance * year;
                // sum up repayments and years so far
                System.out.println(" Year " + (int)year);
                MoneyOut.println(" Old Loan ", (int)balance);
                // produce output: current year, old loan, 
                MoneyOut.println(" Loans plus 3% interest ", newlinterest);
                // loan plus 3% interest, wages, 
                MoneyOut.println(" Wages ", (int)newwages);
                MoneyOut.println(" Wages minus threshold ", wagest);
                //wages minus 10,000 pounds, repayment, new loan
                MoneyOut.println(" Repayment ", (int)repaid);
                MoneyOut.println(" New loan amount ", newbalance);
                if (year >=30)
                }  // 'break' out of the 'while' loop if more than 30 years have passed
            }   // end of the 'while' loop, program leaves it when loan is 0 or less
                System.out.println(" It took you " +(int)year + 
                " years to repay the loan "); 
            // print out the number of year it took to repay the loan
                System.out.println(" The orginal loan was " + "£" + loans + 
                " but you had to pay back " + yrbal);
            // print out the original loan and the total amount paid back
                // When 'debugging' you can use the code below to allow 
                // the loop to run one year at a time. Take it out when
                // submitting to CourseMarker !!!
                // System.out.println("Press 'Enter' to continue");
                // UserInput.readString(); // waits for 'Enter' 
        } // end of main
    } // end of class LoanPayments

    Can anyone spot a reason why the Loop won't run properly the MoneyOut Class is a custom Class included with the program so is not the reason for the error.
    Last edited by welsh_rocker; January 11th, 2011 at 05:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator helloworld922's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java Assignment Help

    define "won't run properly". Are you getting an exception? If so, please post the full exception text.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Java Assignment Help

    Sorry the problem within the coding seems to be focused within the while Loop, it is supposed to implement a Loop a number of times until the balance amount reaches zero, but will only run through the Loop 2 times at the most before ending the program.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Java Assignment Help

    Actually, your while loop isn't executing at all. newbalance is still equal to zero by the time the program reaches the while.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Java Assignment Help

    Hey thanks for the feedback I will review the code and make the necessary changes

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