i can't figure out way the compiler say's the class has no return statement .....
import java.io.*; class ConsoleInput { // open class public static String readLine() { // open readLine try { // open try StringBuffer line = new StringBuffer(); int a = 0; char b; System.out.println("input here:"); BufferedInputStream buff = new BufferedInputStream(System.in); while (a != -1) { // open while a = buff.read(); b = (char) a; line.append(b); } // close while String sLine = line.toString(); if (sLine.length() == 0) { // open if sLine = "no string"; } // close if buff.close(); return sLine; } catch (IOException e) { // open catch close try System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } // close catch } // close readLine } // close class