// Name
// Play a basic game of Zonk, 10,000
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import java.text.*;
public class zonk extends JFrame
// JPanel and TitledBorder to contain dice
private JPanel pointDiceJPanel;
private TitledBorder pointDiceTitledBorder;
// JLabels to display the die images in pointDiceJPanel
private JLabel pointDie1JLabel;
private JLabel pointDie2JLabel;
private JLabel pointDie3JLabel;
private JLabel pointDie4JLabel;
private JLabel pointDie5JLabel;
// JLabels to display the die images from the rolls of the dice
private JLabel die1JLabel;
private JLabel die2JLabel;
private JLabel die3JLabel;
private JLabel die4JLabel;
private JLabel die5JLabel;
private JCheckBox die1KeepJCheckBox;
private JCheckBox die2KeepJCheckBox;
private JCheckBox die3KeepJCheckBox;
private JCheckBox die4KeepJCheckBox;
private JCheckBox die5KeepJCheckBox;
private JTextArea rollPointsJTextField;
private JComboBox selectScoreJComboBox;
private JLabel pointsJLabel;
private JTextField pointsJTextField;
// JButtons to allow user to interact with game
private JButton playJButton;
private JButton addScoreJButton;
private JButton rollJButton;
private JButton stopJButton;
private JButton buildScoreCardJButton;
// JLabel and JTextField to show results of game
private JLabel resultJLabel;
private JTextField resultJTextField;
// instance variables
private int numberOfPlayers = 1;
private int numberRolls = 0;
private boolean newGame = true;
private int[] scores = {0,0,0,0,0};
private String[] scoreNames = {"", "", "", "", ""};
private String[] playerNames = {"Player1", "Player2", "Player3", "Player4", "Player5"};
private boolean[] scoresUsed = new boolean[scores.length];
private int[] diceFace = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
private int turnPoints = 0;
private int myPoint = 0;
private int[] roll = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
private int sumOfDice = 0;
private Random randomObject = new Random();
// no-argument constructor
public zonk()
// create and position GUI components; register event handlers
private void createUserInterface()
// get content pane for attaching GUI components
Container contentPane = getContentPane();
// enable explicit positioning of GUI components
contentPane.setLayout( null );
// set up pointDiceTitledBorder for use with pointDiceJPanel
pointDiceTitledBorder = new TitledBorder( "Keep" );
// set up pointDiceJPanel
pointDiceJPanel = new JPanel();
pointDiceJPanel.setBounds( 10, 16, 490, 116 );
pointDiceJPanel.setLayout( null );
pointDiceJPanel.setBorder( pointDiceTitledBorder );
contentPane.add( pointDiceJPanel );
// set up pointDie1JLabel
pointDie1JLabel = new JLabel();
pointDie1JLabel.setBounds( 14, 34, 64, 56 );
pointDiceJPanel.add( pointDie1JLabel );
// set up pointDie2JLabel
pointDie2JLabel = new JLabel();
pointDie2JLabel.setBounds( 105, 34, 64, 56 );
pointDiceJPanel.add( pointDie2JLabel );
// set up pointDie2JLabel
pointDie3JLabel = new JLabel();
pointDie3JLabel.setBounds( 200, 34, 64, 56 );
pointDiceJPanel.add( pointDie3JLabel );
// set up pointDie2JLabel
pointDie4JLabel = new JLabel();
pointDie4JLabel.setBounds( 292, 34, 64, 56 );
pointDiceJPanel.add( pointDie4JLabel );
// set up pointDie2JLabel
pointDie5JLabel = new JLabel();
pointDie5JLabel.setBounds( 383, 34, 64, 56 );
pointDiceJPanel.add( pointDie5JLabel );
// set up die1JLabel
die1JLabel = new JLabel();
die1JLabel.setBounds( 14, 150, 64, 64 );
contentPane.add( die1JLabel );
// set up JCheckBox
die1KeepJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
die1KeepJCheckBox.setBounds( 14, 220, 90, 24 );
die1KeepJCheckBox.setText( "Keep die 1" );
contentPane.add( die1KeepJCheckBox );
die2KeepJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
die2KeepJCheckBox.setBounds( 105, 220, 90, 24 );
die2KeepJCheckBox.setText( "Keep die 2" );
contentPane.add( die2KeepJCheckBox );
die3KeepJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
die3KeepJCheckBox.setBounds( 200, 220, 90, 24 );
die3KeepJCheckBox.setText( "Keep die 3" );
contentPane.add( die3KeepJCheckBox );
die4KeepJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
die4KeepJCheckBox.setBounds( 292, 220, 90, 24 );
die4KeepJCheckBox.setText( "Keep die 4" );
contentPane.add( die4KeepJCheckBox );
die5KeepJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
die5KeepJCheckBox.setBounds(383, 220, 90, 24 );
die5KeepJCheckBox.setText( "Keep die 5" );
contentPane.add( die5KeepJCheckBox );
// set up die2JLabel
die2JLabel = new JLabel();
die2JLabel.setBounds( 105, 150, 64, 56 );
contentPane.add( die2JLabel );
// set up die2JLabel
die3JLabel = new JLabel();
die3JLabel.setBounds( 200, 150, 64, 56 );
contentPane.add( die3JLabel );
// set up die2JLabel
die4JLabel = new JLabel();
die4JLabel.setBounds( 292, 150, 64, 56 );
contentPane.add( die4JLabel );
// set up die2JLabel
die5JLabel = new JLabel();
die5JLabel.setBounds( 383, 150, 64, 56 );
contentPane.add( die5JLabel );
// set up playJButton
playJButton = new JButton();
playJButton.setBounds( 20, 256, 88, 23 );
playJButton.setText( "Play" );
contentPane.add( playJButton );
new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class
// event handler called when playJButton is clicked
public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent event )
playJButtonActionPerformed( event );
} // end anonymous inner class
); // end call to addActionListener
selectScoreJComboBox = new JComboBox();
/*// set up resultJLabel
pointsJLabel = new JLabel();
pointsJLabel.setBounds( 200, 320, 48, 16 );
pointsJLabel.setText( "Points from roll:" );
contentPane.add( pointsJLabel );*/
/* // set up resultJTextField
pointsJTextField = new JTextField();
pointsJTextField.setBounds( 250, 320, 188, 24 );
pointsJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.CENTER );
contentPane.add( pointsJTextField );*/
// set up rollJButton
rollJButton = new JButton();
rollJButton.setBounds( 220, 256, 88, 23 );
rollJButton.setText( "Roll" );
rollJButton.setEnabled( false );
contentPane.add( rollJButton );
new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class
// event handler called when rollJButton is clicked
public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent event )
rollJButtonActionPerformed( event );
} // end anonymous inner class
); // end call to addActionListener
// set up stopJButton
stopJButton = new JButton();
stopJButton.setBounds( 400, 256, 88, 23 );
stopJButton.setText( "Stop" );
stopJButton.setEnabled( false );
contentPane.add( stopJButton );
new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class
// event handler called when stopJButton is clicked
public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent event )
stopJButtonActionPerformed( event );
} // end anonymous inner class
); // end call to addActionListener
// set up resultJLabel
resultJLabel = new JLabel();
resultJLabel.setBounds( 20, 290, 48, 16 );
resultJLabel.setText( "Result:" );
contentPane.add( resultJLabel );
// set up resultJTextField
resultJTextField = new JTextField();
resultJTextField.setBounds( 20, 320, 188, 24 );
resultJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.CENTER );
resultJTextField.setEditable( false );
contentPane.add( resultJTextField );
// set up resultJTextField
rollPointsJTextField = new JTextArea();
rollPointsJTextField.setBounds(550, 16, 238, 440 );
contentPane.add( rollPointsJTextField);
// set properties of application's window
setTitle( "Zonk a dice game" ); // set title bar string
setSize( 800, 550 ); // set window size
setVisible( true ); // display window
} // end method createUserInterface
// start new game of craps
private void buildScoreCard()
rollPointsJTextField.setText(" PLAYERS AND THEIR SCORES \n" );
for(int players = 0; players < numberOfPlayers; players++)
rollPointsJTextField.append(" " + String.valueOf(players + 1) + "\t" + String.valueOf(scores[players]) + "\n");
private void playJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
String playersAnswer = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("How many players will be participating, limit of five?");
numberOfPlayers = Integer.parseInt(playersAnswer.toString());
rollPointsJTextField.setText("" );
// pointsJTextField.setText("");
for (int x=0; x < 5; x++)
scoreNames[x] = "";
scores[x] = 0;
for (int x=0; x < numberOfPlayers; x++)
scoreNames[x] = playerNames[x];
selectScoreJComboBox.insertItemAt(scoreNames[x], x);
resultJTextField.setText("New Game!!!");
playJButton.setEnabled( false );
rollJButton.setEnabled( true );
// change the state of the JButtons
} // end method playJButtonActionPerformed
private void stopJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
sumOfDice = 0;
if(selectScoreJComboBox.getSelectedIndex()< numberOfPlayers -1)
else if(selectScoreJComboBox.getSelectedIndex()== numberOfPlayers -1 )
} // end method playJButtonActionPerformed
private void addScoreJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
numberRolls ++;
addScoreJButton.setEnabled( false );
// reset roll array to zero
for ( int y=1; y<6; y++ )
roll [y]= 0;
int rollPoints = 0;
int countOne = 0;
int countTwo = 0;
int countThree = 0;
int countFour = 0;
int countFive = 0;
int countSix = 0;
// load roll array with dice kept for score
if (die1KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && pointDie1JLabel1.getIcon() == null)
roll [1] = diceFace[1];
else roll [1] = 0;
if (die2KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && pointDie2JLabel1.getIcon() == null)
roll [2] = diceFace [2];
else roll [2] = 0;
if (die3KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && pointDie3JLabel1.getIcon() == null)
roll [3] = diceFace [3];
else roll [3] = 0;
if (die4KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && pointDie4JLabel1.getIcon() == null)
roll [4] = diceFace [4];
else roll [4] = 0;
if (die5KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && pointDie5JLabel1.getIcon() == null)
roll [5] = diceFace [5];
else roll [5] = 0;
// determine dice faces rolled
int x = 1;
if (roll[x] == 1)
countOne +=1;
if (roll[x] == 2)
countTwo += 1;
if (roll[x] == 3)
countThree += 1;
if (roll[x] == 4)
countFour += 1;
if (roll[x] == 5)
countFive += 1;
if (roll[x] == 6)
countSix += 1;
}while (x < 6);
// determine points for selected dice
if (countOne == 3)
rollPoints += 1000; // Three 1's
if (countTwo == 3)
rollPoints += 200; // Three 2's
if (countThree == 3)
rollPoints += 300; // Three 3's
if (countFour == 3)
rollPoints += 400; // Three 4's
if (countFive >= 3)
rollPoints += 500; // Three 5's
if (countSix == 3)
rollPoints += 600; // Three 6's
if (countOne > 3)
rollPoints += (countOne - 3) * 100; // more than three 1's (extra's 100 points each)
if (countOne > 0 && countOne < 3)
rollPoints += countOne * 100; // less than three 1's (100 points each )
if (countFive > 3)
rollPoints += (countFive - 3) * 50; // more than three 5's (extra's 50 points each)
if (countFive > 0 && countFive < 3)
rollPoints += countFive * 50; // less than three 5's (50 points each)
// score fives and add to roll points without moving them
rollPoints += scoreFives;
// move dice after scoring them
rollPointsJTextField.setText( String.valueOf(rollPoints)); //display roll points
// roll points zero *ZONK*
if (rollPoints == 0)
resultJTextField.setText( "Zonk!!!" );
resultJTextField.setForeground(Color.red );
rollPoints = 0;
rollPointsJTextField.setText( "0" );
turnPoints = 0;
else if (scores[indexForArrays] == 0 && turnPoints < 500 && numberRolls >= 3 )
// 500 points to get on board in 3 rolls
resultJTextField.setText( "ZONK!!!" );
resultJTextField.setForeground(Color.red );
rollPoints = 0;
rollPointsJTextField.setText( "0" );
turnPoints = 0;
turnPoints + rollPoints;
turnPointsJTextField.setText( String.valueOf(turnPoints)); // display turn points
} //end addScore method
// continue the game
private void rollJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
if(die1KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && pointDie1JLabel.getIcon() == null)
pointDie1JLabel.setIcon( die1JLabel.getIcon() );
if (die2KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && pointDie2JLabel.getIcon() == null)
pointDie2JLabel.setIcon( die2JLabel.getIcon() );
if (die3KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && pointDie3JLabel.getIcon() == null)
pointDie3JLabel.setIcon( die3JLabel.getIcon() );
if (die4KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && pointDie4JLabel.getIcon() == null)
pointDie4JLabel.setIcon( die4JLabel.getIcon() );
if (die5KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && pointDie5JLabel.getIcon() == null)
pointDie5JLabel.setIcon( die5JLabel.getIcon() );
//make the dice reappear if the user unselects a kept dice
if(!die1KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && die1JLabel.getIcon()==null)
die1JLabel.setIcon( die1JLabel.getIcon() );
if(!die2KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && die2JLabel.getIcon()==null)
die2JLabel.setIcon( die2JLabel.getIcon() );
if(!die3KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && die3JLabel.getIcon()==null)
die3JLabel.setIcon( die3JLabel.getIcon() );
if(!die4KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && die4JLabel.getIcon()==null)
die4JLabel.setIcon( die4JLabel.getIcon() );
if(!die5KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && die5JLabel.getIcon()==null)
die5JLabel.setIcon( die5JLabel.getIcon() );
sumOfDice += rollDice();
// generate random die rolls
private int rollDice()
if (!(die1KeepJCheckBox.isSelected()))
int die1 = 1 + randomObject.nextInt(6);
displayDie(die1JLabel, die1);
if (!(die2KeepJCheckBox.isSelected()))
int die2 = 1 + randomObject.nextInt(6);
displayDie(die2JLabel, die2);
if (!(die3KeepJCheckBox.isSelected()))
int die3 = 1 + randomObject.nextInt(6);
displayDie(die3JLabel, die3);
if (!(die4KeepJCheckBox.isSelected()))
int die4 = 1 + randomObject.nextInt(6);
displayDie(die4JLabel, die4);
if (!(die5KeepJCheckBox.isSelected()))
int die5 = 1 + randomObject.nextInt(6);
displayDie(die5JLabel, die5);
return 100; // return sum of dice values
} // end method rollDice
// displays the die image
private void displayDie( JLabel picDieJLabel, int face )
ImageIcon image =
new ImageIcon( "G:/Java Programming/Dice/die" + face + ".png" );
// display die images in picDieJLabel
picDieJLabel.setIcon( image );
} // end method displayDie
// main method
public static void main( String args[] )
zonk application = new zonk();
application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
} // end method main
} // end class zonk