Hello, I am a student that is unlucky to do the project by myself, please help!

Something of this is allready solved

The problem:

Class Square (game)
squares with such properties:
temperature : from -200 to 5000 C
cold damage 1 p. per 10 degrees below -5C
heat damage 1 p. per 15 degrees above +35C
humidity in percentage
rust damage: 1 p. per 7% humidity above 30%¨
slippery in following conditions:
a) humidity-100%, temperature>0
b) temperature <0, humidity>10%
c) made of slippery material
degree of inhabitability:can be presented as a function of heat and cold damage and humidity
borders: every square can border to another in 6 possible directions
addition: two squares that borders to each other can be added:
-new humidity -average of two old humidities
-new temperature -weighted average (formule)=
((c1*humidity1+c2)*temp1+(c1*humidity2+c2)*temp2)* 1/2,
c2- random const from 0,1 to 0,4
c1 can be found from:
constructors have to create new squares with ä definite temperature and humidity.
Also standard squares can be created.
-temperature 150C
-humidity 59,01%
borders 1,2,3
--temperature 40C
-humidity 89,90%
-not slippery
borders 2,3,4
Add these two squares.

temperature : from -200 to 5000 C
cold damage 1 p. per 10 degrees below -5C
heat damage 1 p. per 15 degrees above +35C
humidity in percentage
rust damage: 1 p. per 7% humidity above 30%¨

the code for the solved part is as follows:
package help;
 * @author LB
public class Main {
     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
       Place MyPlatform = new Platform(150, 100);
interface Place{
    void setTemperature(int count);
    int getColdDamage();
    int getHotDamage();
    void setHumidity(int count); //Humidity
    int getRust();     //Rust
final class Platform implements Place{
    private int Temperature;
    private int Humidity;
    Platform(int T, int H){
        Temperature = T;
        Humidity = H;
    public void setTemperature(int count) {
        Temperature = count;
    public int getColdDamage() {
        if (Temperature < -5){
            return (Temperature + 5) / 10;
        } else return 0;
    public int getHotDamage() {
        if (Temperature > 35){
            return (Temperature - 35) / 15;
        } else return 0;
    public void setHumidity(int count) {
        Humidity = count;
    public int getRust() {
        if (Humidity > 30){
            return (Humidity - 30) / 7;
        } else return 0;
Please help, what do I do with the borders and the addition of the squares? I don't manage to solve it to the deadline myself...