Hello everyone, I am new here and would paste this code using the proper format, but I already have it pasted on codepaste.net and its pretty long. So I have a few classes including a main class for a Video Store application in java. It must meet special requirements and in doing so require alot of different classes. The GUI is pretty extent so I am using the NetBeans development environment to create this beast. The idea behind the program is to pretty much be a client that sends information to a server and then the server sends the information to the client accessing the database of customers and videos.
The problem is, even if a class is public its not pulling any variables or ANY information out of the other classes, I am getting a " cannot find symbol " error. I have been programming for a while but I am not very good at this stuff, it could be something minor that I am doing, but it is my first time using netbeans. Most of the code in the VideoStoreView class is autogenerated for the GUI and there are no errors there, nor are there any errors in the VideoStoreApp class. I posted these so you could see what I am doing. The problems exist in VideoOptions and VideoInventory. Is there a way I could grab those variables and information out of main to use in other classes? I have changed some of them to public instead of private and I am STILL getting the same red underlined errors.
I would REALLY appreciate the help. I am new here, but if you help me, I will stay here forever and try to help the best I could. Thanks. I am not even half way done with this code, but I can't go any further until I get this fixed.
here are all of the classes that I have so far;
CodePaste.NET - VideoStoreApp.java no errors here
CodePaste.NET - VideoOptions.java full of errors (cannot find symbol)
CodePaste.NET - VideoInventory.java cannot find symbol error